Grass Chaos

Master I from on October 14th, 2023
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 870
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Blind go 2nd deck, inspired by Apps so big shoutouts to them.

This was by far possibly the most fun ive had playing a deck. I didn't have such cards like Chaos Witch, Sheridan and multipule copies of Chaos Angel, Chaos Ruler and Tuning. So crafting all these cards was a pretty big investment and am glad I did in the end.

The deck from Apps went a decent sized transformation since the new set involving Thrust (And Kashtira) came out so I adapted the deck. Adding a Tuning and Assault Synchron package is probably the biggest thing and cutting some of the 8s as to use them you have to already be in a decent position so I wanted more consistency. I decided to use Chaos Creator as my 8 of choice (Excluding Lubellion) the ability to extend with his effects is far too powerful, when he came up he absolutely clutched it. The Tuning engine is fantastic, a free special summon of a DarkLVL2 Tuner is so good and his ability to reccur Chaos Ruler for yet another body. The random Tuning mill can start to fuel your GY with Lights and Darks. Tuning not being a hard once per turn is also great so 3 free mills is very welcome. Overall the Thrust targets are crazy, Talents, Herald of the Abyss, Grass, Allure, Tuning, Gold Sarcophagus and Chaos Space. Basically all you can need, you can even throw in Harpy Duster.

Answering Arise-Heart is a top priority so book of Eclipse will carry this matchup (Be careful it can be Ash'd!) so try bait Ash first if possible. Arise-Hearts mandatory attach is its downfall giving you Thrust into any normal spell. Usually its Talents to ****** and then Zeus. Otherwise if you already have an out you can go search Grass with Thrust which is of course super powerful but better if you have Bysials/Chaos Creator in hand so you can get banishing.

A small Mirrojade package in the ED to out untargetabbles by fusing with Albaz which you can E-Tele off Ecclesia. Most Games I summoned both Chaos Angels and pretty commonly a 3rd but I wouldnt say the 3rd is super needed. Note you can climb into these synchros easiest with Assault Synchron or banishing Chaos Witch. Be careful that Witch locks you into Syncros for the turn you use her effect. If you already link or XYZ summoned you cannot use Witch effects so its either/or so be super mindful of that. Zombie Vampire can treat any monster taken by your from your opponent as an 8 so don't forget this, Dharc ****** and Sheridan can both set this up, all you would then need is one level 8 of your own.

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Note that some replays are with the older build! 637-289-571

Lots vs Kash and Purrley. A lot of the time you have so much gas to play through Purrly Noir or out it instantly with Kaiju or Herald. If they setup the Lyrilusc it means you cant OTK them that turn. Setup as many Light & Dark protected Chaos Angels in defence and watch them struggle trying to out it (Same for Kash). Always banish uknown backrows on Chaos Angels summon as Imperm answers Angel so be mindful of that!