
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on December 17th, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 750
42 cards

Notes & Combos


INTRO: "When going first FTK isn't enough, goings second as gem-knights proved to be monstrous too."

Let's talk more about going second since we all know Gem-Knights for their turn 1 FTK prowess.

Going second as Gem-Knights have become an entirely different mindset than going first. The goal is to check all interactions your opponent has to offer before unleashing the 1 card OTK known as the Brilliant Fusion.

Backed by this monster of a continous spell is your Vernuslyphs and their familiar friend known as the Koa'ki Meirus. Koa'ki Meiru Guardian literally becomes your guardian angel against all monster effects. It's like your budget Apollousa with the help of vernusylph cycling it up to 4x!

Small World is your saving grace for this format against Kashtira, Purrely, and Vanquish Soul which require you to search your Kaijus to even win those matchups.

Pankratops and Magical Hound is your other small world necessities or T2 Forest mills to increase your odds against decks that rely on backrows. Special mention to Runick Fountain and Skill Drain are the reason for Magical Hound's addition, and the results are phenomenal! Pankratops also acts as a 2 for 1 trade in ideal scenarios. Special mention cards like Arise-Heart which Hound can't even touch (but you kaiju Arise-heart anyway), and those set cards that will give you nightmares (I'm looking at you dogmatika punisher and snow devil).

let's talk a bit about going first and falling short for FTK combo. You could option to summon Bagooska (or Granite) and play the Zeus board next turn until you are able to do your OTK again.

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