Pendulum Magician

WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 23rd, 2023
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 690
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Surprisingly ok climb in my opinion, the best endboard for this list is Harbinger, Savage, Dweller, 2-Mat Apo, and both Graphs.

A few notes:

  • Gamma was a pretty nice balance between a strong handtrap going second, and a game-winning card going first. Sometimes you even to summon it out of your hand with Chrono, or Pend Summon Driver, which is always funny.
  • Tilting Entrainment is incredibly nice, it makes it a lot easier to end on a Rank 8 again, while also taking a Level 4 out of the Extra Deck for Dweller or Savage or Apo, just be careful about the zones.
  • Could bump Tactics to 3, card is hard carrying games in this format, I rarely use the effect to draw a card, because the deck usually doesn't benefit much from drawing additional engine after the Pend Summon, but the Steal and Handrip effects are gamewinning on their own.
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Four example replays on my profile: 611-386-385