Fur Hire

Theme Chronicle from on January 25th, 2024
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 360
42 cards

Notes & Combos

13 Handtraps because I was tired of losing the handtrap war. No imperm or gamma because they are bad when drawn off Folgo. I only play the "good" fur hire monsters because the other options are bricky. Bravo is the exception because it is your mannequin cat target if you get ashed and it assists in OTKs. Fallen of Argyros is crazy as both an extender and as a card you can give your opponent to pop and draw 3 on turn 1. Terrortop is an extender/ handtrap bait. Beat is the Razen of this deck, but luckily you can run Beat, RoTA, Rex, Fossil Dig, and Rookie to get you there. Bravo, TTT, and handtraps are flexible. ED only needs 2 Donner and 1 Folgo. Everything else is flexible. I ended up using everything by Gryphon and the Rank 3 XYZs at some point.

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