
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on August 18th, 2022
cp-ur 1020 + cp-sr 450
44 cards

Notes & Combos

you go through the typical halq don combo but when it arrives to cupid pitch lower the level instead of increasing to make penguin brave with nopeneguin in grave. Pro tip: you can search penguin squire with cupid pitch and summon penguin soldier, squire if not already used during the turn (since its hard once per turn) and squire will prompt to the summon of soldier after being searched by cupid. Or just search corridor.

Here is a replay of one of my more successful games although I had to end my turn short/ misplay because of timer.

Player ID 086540634

Check public replay against "MagicMan'

The reason why penguin 3 axis haqdon is playable is because of of monster response double bounce that brave produces along with 2 omni negates and a Thundra Sus. The double bounce/banish comes in clutch against tenyi sword soul among otehr decks since you can chain brave to flip on the summon of ashuna or vishuda and when chain resolves soldier starts new chain bouncing or banishing tenyis (banishing if nopepenguin is in grave or on board)

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