Orcusts Hitting Tier 3
With the introduction of P.U.N.K and DPE in a recent selection pack, Orcusts have been pushed into tier 3 in the current MD meta. This guide will focus on multiple engines and variants that work well with Orcusts and push forward their gameplan that might not be possible in the current OCG or TCG meta as well as mentioning some cards that will affect Orcusts in the future.
About the Author
Hello my name is
, I'm an active helper in the Orcust channel in the MD discord and I've been playing Orcust since the launch of Master Duel but haven't touched the deck previously. I've hit plat 1 multiple times with the deck before diamond was introduced and tested different Orcust variants up to that point. Orcust is a very complex deck and I've felt the need to make a guide to elaborate on the different possibilities the deck is capable of.Current Play Style in MD
Orcust is a combo based archetype that makes use of graveyard effects in order to special summon multiple monsters in order to create boards with multiple disruptions. The Master Duel scene varies greatly from the TCG purely from the fact that we still have access to Orcust Harp Horror, an amazing extender who's only requirement is being able to send it to the graveyard.
Core Orcust Cards
All main deck Orcust's have an effect that locks the player into special summoning dark monsters for the rest of the turn with the exception of girsu when activating their grave effects.
Girsu, The Orcust Mekk Knight x1 Girsu can be considered as one of the strongest starters in the game. Not only can you send any orcust or world legacy card from your deck, you can also special summon a lvl 1 dark token to both players fields. Having a token on your opponent's side of the field has the benefit of preventing your opponent from using Loading... or Loading... . There's an additional effect where Girsu can become a tuner if summoned in a column with two or more cards for a possible Loading... play.
Orcust Brass Bombard X0-1 The main purpose of brass is to special Orcust monsters that are stuck in your hand. Depending on the amount of methods you have in order to discard cards from your hand Brass can often be left out to make room for other cards. Even though Brass isn't Widely used in all Orcust decks, it definitely has it's uses as a Loading... target or in order to synchro into powerful synchros such as Loading... and Loading... .
Orcust Knightmare x1-3 Orcust Knightmare is one of the reasons Loading... was banned and for good reason. Orcust Knightmare allows you to send any dark machine from deck by banishing itself and isn't limited but can be run at one to two copies as they are bricks without a way to send them from hand. Primary send targets for knightmare are Loading... and Loading... in order to continue your orcust combo and can send Loading... on your opponent's turn as disruption when we go over Loading... our boss monster
Orcustrated Return x0-2 Orcustrated Return is our main archetypal discard outlet for our Orcust or World Legacy cards and can be great ash bait. You usually run more copies depending on your ratio of Loading... as the only other worthwhile target in Loading... is limited to 1.
Galatea, The Orcust Automaton x1 arguably the best Orcust monster in the deck and I'm extremely biased. being a Link 2 she is very easy to summon but sadly we only have access to one copy in Master Duel. Her primary effect allows you to shuffle a banished machine, not limited to Orcust cards, back into the deck in order to set any Orcust spell or trap from the deck. You can still recycle banished machines even if you don't have a target to send so make use of this as often as you can to have an advantage in grind games. A lesser known effect that catches opponent's off guard is the ability to be immune to battle destruction as long as Galatea herself is linked. Being linked refers to a link arrow being pointed to her or her arrows pointing to another monster.
Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star x1-2 Dingirsu is the big boss monster of the deck and being rank 8 you might be wondering how exactly we get him out. You can summon Dingirsu by using an Orcust link monster as material and when ever Dingirsu is special summoned it can activate 1 of 2 effects. The first effect allows you to non-target send any card your opponent controls and is a great out to multiple problematic monsters in the meta such as DPE. The second effect allows you to attach a banish machine as material. Dingirsu has the ability to prevent destruction by card effect whether its a single target destruction or multiple cards at once such as Loading... or Loading... . Dingirsu can only be summoned once per turn making it's on summon effect once per turn as well. What makes this monster so amazing is that their effect triggers on summon so special summoning Dingirsu from grave using Loading... allows you to non-target send any card on your opponent's field as long as you have babel on the field and dingirsu and Cymbal in grave.
Orcust Harp Horror x1 Harp is the premier target to send with any starter as it special summons any orcust from deck by banishing itself from grave in order to begin link climbing. Adding multiple ways to send Harp from hand or deck to grave is an easy way to get your combo started so any card that allows you to send a card from hand to grave has great synergy with Harp and the rest of the main deck Orcusts as a whole. Girsu is an on summon effect so sending Harp to grave before summoning any monsters is a great way to start a combo.
Orcust Cymbal Skeleton x1-2 Cymbal is another strong Orcust card but is not usually used as a part of a main orcust combo but more of a follow up in order to revive our boss monster as a form of disruption. Cymbal allows you to banish itself in order to revive any orcust from your grave as long as they were summoned properly. The main gimmick of Orcust is in their field spell which allows you to be a comrade and play on your opponent's turn.
World Legacy - World Wand x1 World Wand is an honorary orcust with how vital it is in extending our Orcust combos by special summoning a banish Orcust to use as an extender and is a form of recycling our Orcust cards outside of our link monsters. The primary way to send Wand is by using Loading... or Loading... . World wand has the additional effect to special summon a world legacy monster from hand when it's sent to the graveyard but is not worth running two or more copies due to loss of consistency.
Orcust Crescendo Our archetypal counter trap. Searchable with Loading... but isn't our priority search target since it requires an orcust link monster to stay on the field.
Orcustrated Babel x1 Babel is the core to the Orcust's gimmick by turning Orcust effects into quick effects giving you the ability to use them during your opponent's turn. If this card is in the grave except the turn it was sent there, Babel allows you to discard a card in order to add itself to hand. Babel is the primary target for Loading... when activating her effect in order to have disruption for your opponent's turn.
Longirsu, The Orcust Orchestrator x1 Our second most important link monster and our back up galatea. Longirsu has the ability to shuffle in two banished machines and the ability to send an opponent's linked monster to the grave, this effect doesn't target but requires a monster to be linked even if its between your opponent's own monsters. Just like Galatea the send effect is optional and similar to Galatea, Longirsu is immune to effect destruction as long as he is linked.
- Starters
- scrap
- Phantom Knight
- Sky Striker
- Luna Light
- Thunder Dragon
- Rokket
- Danger
- P.U.N.K
- Warrior
- Mekk Knight
- Other
- Techs
One Card Starters for any Deck
These monsters are the primary methods for sending your Orcust monsters to the grave in order to begin your combos. Not all decks use these starters and have other ways to start your Orcust combos but these are the simplest one card starters that can be used in any Orcust deck.
Orcust Combo 1 (Girsu)
Normal summon Loading... and send Loading...
Activate Girsu to special summon tokens to both fields
Link token into Loading...
Banish harp to special Loading... to the field
Link girsu and knightmare into Loading...
Banish Knightmare and send Loading...
Banish wand to special knightmare
Activate galatea effect to shuffle in wand and set Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using Galatea and attach harp
Link link spider and knightmare into Loading...
Activate anaconda and special summon Loading...
Note: This combo becomes a lot better with a mini Phantom Knight engine
Orcust Combo 2 (any send starter)
Normal summon Loading... and send Loading...
Banish harp to special Loading... to the field
Link recycler and knightmare into Loading...
Banish Knightmare and send Loading...
Banish wand to special knightmare
Activate galatea effect to shuffle in wand and set Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using Galatea and attach harp
Link dingirsu and knightmare into Loading...
Activate anaconda and special summon Loading...
Sample Deck
Scrap Orcust
Scrap Orcust is the most consistent variant with the highest ceiling for making unbreakable boards since most combos only require one card. On the other hand it becomes the easiest to disrupt as their entire combo relies heavily on Scrap Recycler's normal summon and to go undisrupted from there. The main remedy to playing past disruption is to have extenders in the form of Gilasaurus or a small Danger package or preventing disruption through the use of Loading... and Loading... . That being said, the package for the main scrap combo is small enough that it can fit decently well with other variants especially those that don't specifically require their normal summon.
Core Scrap Cards
Scrap Recycler x3 Scrap recycler is the core starter for the scrap deck and facilitates the deck's whole combo while requiring one or two discards along the way. The Scrap Variant abuses the fact that Recycler isn't once per turn and reuses its send effect multiple times in one turn in order to make a close to unbreakable board.
Scrap Raptor x3 Scrap Raptor is a searcher for Scrap recycler and acts as an additonal starter since it's effect allows to additionally normal summon the recycler you just searched with it's effect. Scrap Raptor can also trigger Loading... if you drew it in your opening hand or you can search it with scrap raptor's effect if you already have Recycler in hand.
Scrap Golem x1 Scrap Golem is the biggest brick this deck has so you better hope you don't draw it. Just like Scrap Recycler, we aim to abuse Golem multiple times as its effect is also not OPT and is the main way we resummon Recycler.
Scrap Wyvern x1 Scrap Wyvern is part of our main combo and lets us special summon Scrap Golem from our deck but sadly not from our hand. part of Scrap Wyvern's effect is a mandatory destruction of a card on the field so we require an extender or card we can set if we go first. The mandatory destruction when using its effect is amazing for breaking boards so you can build the deck to go second as well as long as you have ways to prevent interruption with cards such as Loading... .
Gilasaurus x1 You might have a copy of this card from the free packs we get from events and ranked duels. Gilasaurus acts as a free extender for our scrap combos especially when going first and your opponent has no monsters in grave to special summon with his effect. Even if your opponent does have a hand trap in grave to special summon that just means its a free destruction target for scrap wyvern. This card is searchable with Fossil dig if you happen to draw multiple copies or already have Scrap raptor in hand.
Lib. The World Key Blademaster x1 This card is clearly a hint that Yugioh is going to appear in the new kingdom hears but aside from that Lib is crucial in our scrap combo as she sets Loading... from deck which is basically a monster reborn for our own grave. when she is linked away as material you can shuffle one card on the field into the deck without targeting and is a another great way for the deck to get rid of problematic cards. Lib isn't played in most Orcust variants as she requires a world legacy card in grave and by the time you get World Wand in grave in other variants, you are locked into darks.
World Legacy Succession x1 World Legacy Succession allows you to special summon any monster from your grave to an arrow a link monster points to, namely Lib who you used to set the card in the first place. You mainly use succession to revive golem in order to special recycler in order to use its send effect for the third time.
Crystron Rosenix/Mecha Phantom Beast O-Lion x1 you only need one or the other but the optimal choice is considered to be Rosenix due to banishing itself for its effect and becoming fodder for Orcust effects down the line. These cards are used to create a pseudo extender without locking yourself into dark in order to link into Scrap Wyvern and continue on your scrap combos.
Jet Synchron x1 Jet Synchron is an amazing extender which can also get cards you want in the grave by sending one card from hand to special summon itself. Jet is sometimes used in place of the previous extenders if you find the need to send a card to grave, that card sometimes being Scrap Golem if it is stuck in your hand in order to revive it with Scrap wyvern and continue your combo. Scrap as a variant can have multiple lines including ones that involve Loading... and Jet becomes a Prime target for its effect.
Scrapyard x3 Scrapyard is a searcher for Scrap Raptor and by extension for Scrap Recycler. Just like all your other extra Spell and Traps, you can use it as a destruction target for Scrap Wyvern during your initial combo.
Fossil Dig x3 Fossil Dig is yet another search for Scrap Raptor but also for your extender, Gilasaurus. It UR so its a very expensive starter card if you don't already have Dinos built so its not a mandatory craft if you're just wanting to try the deck out.
Scrap Factory x1 as previously mentioned, Scrap Factory is another search target for Scrap Raptor in the case you already have scrap recycler. Scrap Factory acts as a target for Scrap Wyvern's mandatory effect but also nets you an extender in the process, Just make sure to get the chain order correct and save Wyvern's effect for last.
Some Cards in these combos are not mentioned as core cards and your deck may vary depending on what end board your prefer to go for to maximize consistency. Extra extenders during combos can end with bigger boards with other monsters such as Loading... or Loading... .
Scrap Orcust combo 1 (scrap Recycler and any card in hand)
Normal summon scrap recycler and send Loading...
Banish Loading... and summon a token
Link token and recycler into Loading...
Use Loading... effect to special and pop recycler
Trigger wyvern effect to special Loading... from deck and pop wyvern
Use Loading... effect to special scrap recycler and send Loading...
Link scrap golem and recycler for Loading...
Use lib effect to send Loading...
Use succession to special scrap golem and use scrap golem to special recycler
Scrap recycler effect to send Loading...
Send a card to special Loading...
Link lib and any scrap to special Loading...
Link the other scrap and jet synchron into Loading...
Halq effect to special Loading... and chain dagda to set Loading...
Link brass and dagda into Loading...
Activate Galatea effect to shuffle in jet synchron and set Loading...
On your opponent's turn trigger Halq effect to special Loading... and use her effect to destroy the set scythe.
Trigger Loading... effect to special itself and lock your opponent out of their extra deck.
Use Loading... effect to synchro summon Loading... using scythe and wonder magician as material.
Notes: This combo results in two omni negates and a powerful flood gate that can't be stopped after it has resolved. You can chain wonder magician's effect to Scythe's effect on the field in order to dodge effects such as imperm as well as having crescendo as back to make sure the effect goes through.
Scrap Orcust combo 2 (Scrap recycler and a spell/trap to set or extender)
Normal summon scrap recycler to send Loading...
Banish Loading... to summon a token
Set any spell/trap or summon an extender
Link scrap recycler and token into Loading...
Loading... effect to special and pop recycler
Trigger wyvern effect to special Loading... and pop the set spell/trap or extender
Scrap golem effect to special scrap recycler
Scrap recycler send Loading...
Link scrap golem and recycler into Loading...
Activate Lib effect to set Loading...
Activate succession to special scrap golem to then special scrap recycler
Use scrap recycler effect to send Loading...
Link lib and wyvern into Loading...
Banish harp to special Loading...
Link knightmare and scrap golem into Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading... , banish wand to special knightmare
Use Galatea effect to shuffle in wand to set and activate Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... over galatea and attach harp
Link scrap recycler and knightmare into Loading...
Anaconda effect to send Loading... and special Loading...
At end phase, detach harp from dingirsu to protect winda
Note: The effect of instant fusion checks at every end phase so you can choose to let Winda be destroyed at the end of your opponent's next turn. You can give Apollousa an extra negate by targeting her with knightmare effect in grave and sending wand.
Sample Deck
Phantom Knight Orcust
Phantom Knights add a great deal of consistency to Orcusts as having ways to discard Orcust cards stuck in hand as well as being able to give the deck additional and searchable disruption or extension through the use of their main deck monsters and Loading... which has amazing synergy with the deck.
Core Phantom knight Cards
The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales x2 One of the best cards ever printed for Phantom Knights and I can't help but wonder if Orcust was the reason it got put to two. Scales by itself (and any card to discard) acts as a one card combo into our orcust line and even Loading... . Scales special summons itself from grave when another PK card gets banished from grave and acts as a discard outlet for our Orcust cards, an amazing card.
The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots x1-2 Silent Boots acts as a free extender as long as you control another PK that is also searchable with Rusty Bardiche. You only need one for your initial PK combo and hard drawing boots is never bad as long as you can get access to a phantom knight.
The Phantom Knights of Ancient Cloak x1-2 This is your searcher for your phantom knight monsters as long as you can get it into grave which the phantom knight cards are really good at doing. Since you're also playing Orcusts you will also usually have a way to discard it if you happen to hard draw Cloak. The main use of cloak is to search out your single copy of boots and that's about it outside of specific circumstances and bigger PK engines.
The Phantom Knights of Shade Brigandine x1 Shade acts as another extender in our combo to act as material for cards such as Loading... or to use Union Carrier's effect on them since you can link Shade off into Loading... . Searchable with rusty you can make use of this extender in multiple ways depending on the boardstate.
Phantom Knights' Fog Blade x2-3 You will search for at least one fog blade during your usual PK combos and is an extremely versatile form of disruption if used correctly. It has the ability to negate a monster's effect and prevent them from attacking or being attacked. The best part is that you can target a monster you control so it becomes protected from being attacked. In certain situations where your opponent is attempting to OTK you, this may be the best way to survive rather than negating one of their effects. Be careful with using this to protect one of your own monsters as you have to activate fog blade before your opponent declares an attack with their monster.
The Phantom Knights of Rusty Bardiche x1 Orcusts seem to have a ton of boss monsters and Rusty is definitely one of them. Rusty is mainly used in PK variants but you can use an extremely small PK engine in order to search out an extender and a fog blade or two. Rusty's primary effect allows you to send any PK monster in order to set a PK spell or trap from your deck which can potentially be an extender, disruption or even a rank up magic in order to summon Loading... . The additional effect which comes in handy in multiple situations as the ability to target and destroy a card on the field whenever a dark xyz monster is special summoned to an arrow Rusty points to.
The Phantom Knights of Break Sword x1 A very iconic monster for fans of the anime, Breaksword is an amazing rank 3 xyz with the ability to destroy a card on the field at the cost of destroying a card you control, usually himself. He has the additional effect of special summoning two PK monsters from the grave and increase their level by 1 but you become locked into darks which isn't a problem for Orcusts in the first place. In conjunction with Rusty Bardiche, he becomes a useful tool for clearing your opponent's board.
Tour Guide From the Underworld x3 Tour Guide is an amazing starter for the deck as it allows you to go into your cherubini line and send a necessary PK from deck to grave. Tour guide works as an amazing one card combo similarly to scales but extends a little further and without the need to discard a card. This card isn't completely necessary in the deck and can be replaced by Loading... as a budget option.
Graff, Malebranch of the Burning Abyss x1 The first half of the burning abyss engine, Graff is the primary send target for cherubini in order to special Cir from deck. When hard drawn you can special summon this card to an arrow cherubini points to in order to prevent its destrcution by its own effect.
Cir, Malebranche of the Burning Abyss x1 Part of the burning abyss engine, Cir is special summoned from deck through the effect of graff and resummons a burning abyss monster after being sent to grave, usually cherubini. Even when drawn in a starting hand, as long as you can make cherubini you can special summon this card to an arrow cherubini points to as an extender. You must control no spells to special summon this card from hand.
Cherubini, Ebon Angel of the Burning Abyss x1 Surprisingly a fairy monster, not important in most cases but what is important is that you only require two level 3 monsters in order to summon it. by sending graff you can summon cir from deck and then link into Rusty Bardiche or even link climb into Loading... and then Loading... . The best part of cherubini is that the send is part of the cost and not the effect so sometimes your opponent may waste a negate on it if they aren't paying attention.
The Phantom Knights' Rank-up-magic Launch x1 Rank ups are rarely used but PK Orcust makes great use of it since Loading... is rank 8 and Loading... is rank 9. We make use of Rusty in order to search and set the rank up magic and his secondary effect in order to pop Dingirsu to remove a material in order to activate the rank-up spell the next turn.
True King of All Calamities x1 A very fun dragon that everyone loves to play against. VFD for short, Orcust can make use of VFD in order to blow out opponents by preventing them from activating effects in the hand or on the field of the attribute you declared and turning all monster's on the field into that attribute.
Raider's Knight x1 Raider;s knight is the go to xyz after using breakswords effect to summon two lvl 4 PK monsters. He allows you to rank up or down into a "phantom Knights", "Raid Raptor", or "XYZ Dragon" and enables OTKs in pure PK decks so why not use it in an Orcust deck too.
Arc Rebellion Xyz Dragon x1 Arc Rebellion is an amazing OTK option for PK Orcust as it negates the effects of face up monsters and gains attack equal to the combined attack of all other monster's on the field enabling very easy OTKs. Arc Rebellion is also immune to destruction effects which can come in handy pretty often.
These combos will mostly use Anaconda and DPE as part of the end board but isn't included in the core cards. These are generic cards that work well in any variant of Orcusts and are included in a different section.
PK Orcust Combo 1 (Girsu in hand)
Normal summon Loading... and send Loading...
summon token to both sides of the field (placement isn't important)
Banish harp horror to special summon Loading... from deck
Link knightmare and girsu into Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading...
Link galatea and the token into Loading...
Send Loading... to set Loading...
Banish cymbal to revive galatea
Galatea shuffle in cymbal to set Loading... , activate it
Xyz Loading... over galatea and attach knightmare
Banish cloak to add Loading...
Special boots from hand
Link dingirsu and boots into Loading...
Banish boots to add a 2nd fog blade
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Note: you can link Dingirsu and boots into Loading... as well if you prefer
PK Orcust Combo 2 (Scales in hand with any other card)
Normal summon Loading... , discard a card from your hand and send Loading... to grave.
Banish cloak to add Loading... to hand and then special summon it
Link boots and scales into Loading...
Send Loading... using cherubini and special Loading... using graff effect
Banish boots and add Loading... to hand, afterward special scales from grave
Set and special summon shade then link shade and scales to summon Loading...
Attach Loading... to cherubini and link off cherubini and cir into Loading...
Use cir effect to special summon cherubini back to the field
Banish harp to special Loading... onto the field
Link knightmare and cherubini into Loading...
Banish knightmare to send wand, banish wand to special knightmare
Galatea effect to shuffle in wand to set and activate Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using galatea and attach harp
Use rusty effect to send any PK and set Loading...
Link Dingirsu and knightmare into Loading...
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
PK Orcust Combo 3 (Tour guide in hand)
Normal summon Loading... and special Loading... from deck (why the BA no die?)
Link into Loading... and use graff effect to special Loading... from deck
Cherubini effect to send Loading...
Link cherubini and cir into Loading... , special cherubini using cir
Use rusty effect to send Loading... and set Loading...
Banish cloak to add Loading... and special scales then special boots (potential set up for further extension using scales to discard an orcust card)
Link boots and scales into Loading...
Special shade and attach Loading... to it then link off shade into Loading...
Banish harp to special Loading...
Link knightmare and link spider into Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading... , banish wand to special knightmare
Galatea effect to shuffle in wand, set Loading... and activate it
Xyz summon Loading... over galatea and attach harp
Link knightmare and cherubini into Loading...
Banish boots to add and set Loading...
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Note: This leaves Dingirsu on the field for board wipe protection but you still have the freedom to destroy dingirsu using DPE effect in order to get a second disruption by special summoning dingirsu from grave.
VFD Orcust Combo (Girsu in hand)
Normal summon Loading... and send Loading...
summon token to both sides of the field (placement isn’t important)
Banish harp horror to special summon Loading... from deck
Link knightmare and girsu for Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading...
Link galatea and the token into Loading...
Send Loading... to set Loading...
Banish cymbal to revive galatea
Galatea shuffle in cymbal to set Loading...
Galatea xyz summon into Loading... into a rusty arrow
Trigger rusty effect to pop dingirsu and detach a material to protect dingirsu
Banish cloak to add Loading...
special boots and shade then link them into Loading...
Banish boots to add Loading...
Note: You can either activate the Rank-Up spell on your turn or set it and activate it on your opponent's turn. You also have DPE in order to destroy VFD in case your opponent attempts to negate the effect.
Sample Deck
Sky Strikers
This section might not be what you expected after seeing the previous sections. As an Orcust varient, we make use of the sky striker spells and extra deck monsters rather than Raye herself. This variant typically ends on a smaller board in order to make sky striker spells available on the opponent's turn but the most impactful sky striker spell is actually Loading... as a one card combo for anaconda and by extension DPE.
Core Sky Striker Cards
Sky Striker Engage! x2 The best sky striker search card, this acts as multiple copies of drones but also searches any other card you might need.
Sky Striker Hornet Drones x1 a one card DPE combo without even needing to use your normal summon that any deck can potentially run. You use Kagari effect to double dip into hornet drones and go for a free link 2 after activating drones again.
Sky Striker Widow Anchor x1-2 A searchable chalice that can bait out a negate, with enough spells in grave it also acts as a mind control.
Sky Striker Shark Cannon x1-2 This is one of the best counters to DPE once they've used their effect as you can banish him from the grave. With enough spells in grave you can get DPE on your side for free but if he gets destroyed by card effect they can activate his effect in grave afterward.
Sky Striker Afterburners! x0-1 Single target destruction that's searchable and can potentially destroy a spell with enough spells in grave. Play it if you feel you need it.
Sky Striker Ace Kagari x1 So you play 3 of these.. if you could. This is one of the two aces you need in order to pull off the one card DPE combo and the only way to summon her is through drones so its not very consistent. Her effect allows you to add any sky striker spell from your grave to your hand and they're not OPT.
Sky Striker Ace Kaina x0-1 Kaina points down and thats the only reason we play her. Aside from that she can make it so a monster your opponent controls can't attack next turn.
Sky Striker Ace Hayate x0-1 You either play Hayate or Kaina due to the fact they point to your field. You can play both if you want to go Hayate -> Kagari -> Kaina but the room in your extra deck is better off used for other impactful cards. Hayate allows you to attack directly and potentially search for any card by sending it to the grave then adding it back with kagari.
Sky Strikers has enough utility to becomes its own Variant of Orcust and was well known in the TCG. The deck relies on basic Orcust combos but the one card DPE combo is always good to know
Sky Striker DPE combo (Drones in hand or Engage search Drones)
Activate Loading... and summon a token
link into Loading... and add back drones
Reactivate drones and summon a token
link Kagari into Loading...
link the token into Loading...
link both monsters into Loading...
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Drones and Starter Combo (sky striker hornet drones or engage + a starter like scrap recycler)
activate Loading... and summon a token
link into Loading... and add drones back to hand
reactivate drones and summon a new token
summon your starter (ex. Loading... ) and send Loading... to grave
banish harp and special Loading... to the field
link kagari and knightmare into Loading...
banish knightmare and send Loading...
activate galatea effect to shuffle in harp and set Loading...
link galatea and the drone token into Loading...
activate rusty to send Loading... to grave and set Loading...
banish cloak and add Loading... , special summon boots
banish cymbal from grave and revive galatea
link boots and recycler to make Loading...
banish boots and add Loading... , set it then special summon it
xyz summon Loading... using galatea and attach cymbal
link summon Loading... using dingirsu and shade
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Note: This List is considered to be more consistent with the exclusion of the PK engine and offers room for more tech options in place of 1-2 potential disruptions. This version is beginner friendly for those wanting to try out the archetype.
Sample Deck
Note: The extra deck while making this sample deck felt really tight and it should be mentioned that Loading... and Loading... are great ED monsters to consider as discard outlets that can also be made by a single Loading...
This variant is very unique as it abuses Loading... to special summon multiple monsters in order to get access to either Loading... or Loading... . Lunalight Raidraptor or Lunalight Timethief might be better versions of the deck but I'm making this section because it is very fun combo deck with a lot of potential.
Core Lunalight Cards
Lunalight Tiger x3 a monster reborn when placed in the pendulum zone. Her effect isn't a HOPT so if you have a way to bounce her back to hand you can use her effect again. The monster special summoned by her effect is destroyed at the end of the turn so you can sometimes keep Loading... on the field in order to recycle a banished lunalight card.
Lunalight Kaleido Chick x3 Best chick and your starter with this variant. She lets you send Loading... to grave in order to use her effect to bounce Tiger, now you see how it all comes together. The send is a cost so she acts as great bait for negates.
Lunalight Yellow Marten x2 Marten can bounce a Lunalight card in order to special summon herself from the grave. This effect allows you to reuse tiger's effect but Marten gets banished if she leaves the field afterward. To avoid being banished you simply overlay her into an xyz and you don't have to worry about it. You play two copies so you don't have to worry about banishing one during your combo. She has a great interaction with Loading... and Loading... when being sent to the grave by their effect, not the detach cost. Your only target in this case would be Loading... due to wording.
Lunalight Emerald Bird x0-1 Emerald bird can is a great way to get Loading... in grave in order to search for Lunalight Tiger but this really depends on your hand and isn't necessary to play in your deck. When she's sent to the grave by a card effect you can special a Level 4 Lunalight from your grave or that is banished, a great way to recycle your cards but not necessary. She has a great interaction with Loading... and Loading... similar to marten when being sent to grave by the resolution of their effect and not as the cost for detaching. doing so will trigger her effect to special summon a level 4 or lower lunalight from your grave or banished pile
Luna Light Perfume x3 An extremely strong card that combines monster reborn and tenki. The first effect allows you to revive a Lunalight from your grave with no drawback. The second effect allows you to banish itself and discard a card from your hand to add a Lunalight from deck to hand. There is no OPT on this card either so you can use all three copies if you have draw them.
Lunalight Serenade Dance x1 The only searchable Lunalight card that is worth using. You don't use it for it's first effect but for the grave effect so getting it in grave is a priority as it acts as an extender or starter by special summoning a Lunalight monster from your deck. The grave effect rquires you to send a card from hand so it can come in handy if you have any orcusts or other Lunalight cards you want to send to grave.
Curious, The Lightsworn Dominion x1 This card requires monsters with the same attribute but with different types. Your primary monsters of choice are winged beast and beast warrior so you usually only need to cover a third type using extenders like Dangers for example. This is one of the few ways this deck has access to their Orcust line without hard drawing a Knightmare or Harp.
Cyber Dragon Infinity x1 Our target for our only rank up magic. A very powerful omni negate that can also help break boards.
Blackwing -Zephyros the Elite x1 Zephyros allows you to bounce a card on your field to special summon himself from grave. He's basically another marten but his effect is once per duel. He's searchable with force strix and you can special summon him with wise strix.
Raidraptor - Singing Lanius x1 You search singing Lanius off of force strix to go into wise strix, nice and simple extender.
Raidraptor - Raider's Wing x1 Our second Force Strix target and an easy extender that doesn't hinder our plays.
Raidraptor - Force Strix x2 Detach to add a level 4 dark wingedbeast to hand and is a generic rank 4.
Raidraptor - Wise Strix x1 Used to special Zephyros from deck. The second effect requires a slightly larger pool of raid raptors, an extra force strix and can potentially give you a Loading... using Loading... .
Rank-Up-Magic Soul Shave Force x1 Searchable with Wise Strix and summons a powerful omni negate.
Foolish Burial Goods x3 This card is a foolish burial for all the spells you want to have in your grave such as perfume.
Magicians' Souls x1-3 This isn't exactly core but acts as a free extender and has great synergy with Tenki. As a dark spellcaster, this cards acts as a material towards curious. You have to send a level 6 or higher spellcaster from your deck to special summon this card from hand.
Apprentice Illusion Magician x1 This card pairs with Magicians' Souls as the target to send to grave. If you draw her instead, you can discard a card to special summon her from hand which isn't a drawback in this kind of deck. In the future this card will be replaced by Loading...
Fire Formation - Tenki x3 The best Search card in the game. Semi-limited in the OCG and TCG, this cards give tri-brigade an edge in consistency and it can help us too. We can search any Lunalight we need to progress our combo.
Brotherhood of the Fire Fist - Tiger King x1 A really old card that still has his uses. On summon he searches a tenki to be used right away or later and his activated effect negates the effects of all other non-beast warrior monsters currently on the field. Sure to bait out a negate if any.
additional synergy
You can also include a mini Phantom Knight package in order to set up a Loading... with Loading... as material
Curious has the ability to send any card to the grave such as Loading... or Loading... and you can use Loading... to set it from grave, be careful with Gryphon's ability to negate the effects of special summoned monsters
Extra Fire fist cards can help link climb in certain situations and recycles your tenkiCombos
This deck is extremely versatile and your extra deck can be filled with a variety of rank 4 monsters as well as link monsters. I'm only listing one combo since most combos are extremely hand dependent.
Luna Light Orcust combo 1(LL tiger/tenki and LL chick/tenki)
Normal summon Loading... and send marten to grave
Activate Loading... in the pendulum zone and special summon Loading...
Xyz into Loading... and detach to activate effect; add Loading... (if you already have singing lanius or raider's wing in hand, don't activate to add)
Special singing lanius or raider's wing and link into Loading... using force strix and singing lanius/raider's wing
Wise strix effect to special Loading... from deck
Use marten effect to add tiger back to hand and special marten Xyz summon Loading... using marten and zyphros
Activate force strix to add Loading... or singing lanius by detaching zephyros
use wise strix effect to set Loading...
Special summon raider's wing or singing lanius
Link wise strix and force strix into Loading...
activate shave force on force strix in grave and special summon Loading...
Place tiger in your pendulum zone again and revive chick
Use zyphros effect to add tiger back to hand
Attach Loading... to zephyros
Overlay zephyros and chick into Loading...
Place tiger again and special marten
Banish harp to special Loading...
Link knightmare and chick into Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading... , banish wand to special knightmare
Activate Galatea effect to shuffle in wand to set and activate Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using galatea and attach harp
activate cyber infinity effect to attach union carrier as material
Use knightmare and raider's wing to link into Loading...
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Sample Deck
Note: This sample deck is not considered to be optimized as there isn't enough information about this archetype in competitive play. There are no hand traps in this deck due to its potential to break through most boards with enough extenders from my experience. The extra deck is so versatile that there is hardly any room for common staple extra deck monsters such as Loading... , Loading... and Loading... but these are still viable inclusions in the deck. Loading... is used in place of Accesscode in order to secure one turn kills going second. This sample deck is created from my preferences and other players may prefer to include or exclude specific cards, feel free to experiement
Warning: Your turns can last up to 20 minutes or more due to the amount of extension you can pull off especially while learning the deck
Thunder Dragon
I don't have any experience with this archetype but with the help of of some members in the Orcust Channel I will give a basic run down of what is used in this variant and some basic combos used by the community. The deck aims to make use of the strong floodgates and disruption that thunder dragons bring and to an extent might seem like a variant of thunder dragons rather than orcust.
Core Thunder Dragon Cards
Thunder Dragondark x3 Dragondark easily triggers the criteria to special summon Loading... as well as adding any Thunder Dragon card, specifically Loading... or Loading...
Thunder Dragonhawk x1 Dragonhawk makes for an extremely easy Loading... by special summoning a banished thunder dragon or one in your graveyard.
Thunder Dragonroar x2 Dragonroar is mainly used as an extender in their combos but can be used to recycle cards such as Loading... to create an infinite loop. You can only use one of these effects per turn and once per turn.
Thunder Dragon x3 The OG Thunder Dragon. His effect works extremely well with Loading... to trigger the destruction effect multiple times in a turn.
Thunder Dragonmatrix x0-3 A Thunder monster you can normal summon and another trigger for Loading... 's effect
Aloof Lupine x3 The best thunder dragon starter as you get to choose which thunder dragon to banish from your deck. When this card is destroyed by your opponent you can add a banished monster, very useful for follow up play.
White Dragon Wyverburster x1 A light extender that facilitates the effects of Thunder Dragons by banishing them from the grave. Searches their counter part when sent from the field to grave.
Black Dragon Collapserpent x1 The dark counterpart to facilitate the effects of Thunder Dragons and has the same effect as Wyverburster when sent to grave.
Thunder Dragon Fusion x1 An easily recyclable card that fusion summons one of Thunder Dragon's boss monster while also recycling your thunder dragons in the process. You only need one since you can recycle it.
Thunder Dragon Colossus x1 An extremely resilient flood gate that stop's some decks in their tracks that are reliant on searching. In Thunder Dragons, the secondary special summoning method is easy to meet since the deck is full of thunder monsters. Can protect itself by banishing a thunder monster from grave and triggering your Thunder Dragon effects.
Thunder Dragon Titan x2 This Thunder Dragon has its own type of protection and powerful disruption with the proper set up. Requires you to banish two cards from your grave in order to protect itself and not just thunder monsters. Be careful when trying to use his effect to destroy a card on the field, if your opponent chains a card to your thunder monster's effect then you won't get the destruction effect.
Chaos Space x3 This card is a nice outlet for your Orcust cards stuck in hand as well as any Thunder Dragons you plan to banish. The primary targets for this card are Loading... and Loading... . This card is also the reason we only play one of each target since this card also helps recycle them and draws us a card.
Allure of Darkness x3 Draw 2 cards and trigger a Thunder Dragon effect, I think this card speaks for itself. You can also banish an Orcust card in a pinch since you can easily cycle them using Loading...
TD Orcust Combo 1 (Lupine in hand with another monster)
Normal summon Loading... and trigger their effect to banish a monster from hand; Banish Loading... from deck
Use dragonroar effect to special summon Loading... from deck
Link dragondark and aloof into Loading...
Trigger dragondark effect and add Loading...
Use dragonhawk effect to special summon dragonroar from the banished pile.
Use union carrier effect to attach Loading... to dragonroar.
Tribute dragonroar to special summon Loading...
Banish harp to special summon Loading... and send Loading...
Banish knightmare to send Loading... , banish wand to special knightmare
link knightmare and girsu into Loading...
Trigger Galatea effect to shuffle in wand and set Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using Galatea and attach harp
note: you can also leave galatea on the field and set Loading... as a form of disruption. With an additional extender you can even pull off Loading... and summon Loading...
TD Orcust combo 2 (chaos space + thunder dragon roar)
Activate Loading... to send Loading... and search for Loading...
Summon Wyverburster by banishing dragonroar
Trigger dragonroar effect to special summon Loading... from the deck
Link wyverburster into Loading... and search for Loading...
Special summon Collapserpent by banishing wyverburster
Activate chaos space in grave to place wyverburster on the bottom of the deck and draw a card.
Link striker dragon and dragondark into Loading...
Trigger dragondark effect to add Loading... to hand
Use dragonhawk effect to special dragonroar
Attach Loading... to dragonroar using union carrier's effect
Tribute dragonroar to special summon Loading...
Banish harp to special summon Loading... from deck
Link knightmare and collapserpent into Loading...
Trigger collapserpent to add wyverburster
Banish Knightmare to send Loading... , banish wand to special knightmare
Use Galatea's effect to shuffle in wand to set and activate Loading...
Xyz summon Loading... using Galatea as material and attach harp
link dingirsu and knightmare to summon Loading...
Activate anaconda and send Loading... , send Loading... and Loading... to special summon Loading...
Note: This combo does not require a normal summon so there's room to extend even further.
Sample Deck
Note: This deck uses Loading... and Loading... to minimize bricks but requires Loading... to be on the field with material in order to preotect winda from destroying herself. This deck does not focus on summoning Loading... on the first turn so Loading... was excluded to optimize turn 1. The DPE package mentioned in the combo can easily be slottted in in place of instant fusion and winda
Another deck I have little experience with but has great synergy with Orcusts. Rokkets can easily make Loading... without the use of their normal summon through the use of Loading... . This section will go over a basic core and the combo that makes chaos ruler.
Rokket Tracer x3 One of our six starters that let us go into our chaos ruler but uses up our normal summon. Its effect to special summon a rokket from the deck allows for an easy level 8 synchron
Rokket Recharger x1 Our rokket tracer target with an effect that's more useful in a dragon link deck
Striker Dragon x1 A key part of the chaos ruler combo as it allows us to add rokket tracer to hand after being linked away and searches a way to special summon it
Quick Launch x3 Our one card starter that allows us to go into chaos ruler without using our normal summon
Boot Sector Launch x1 This card is searched by striker dragon and allows us to make chaos ruler
Chaos Ruler, the Chaotic Magical Dragon x1 The main reason we play this variant. Chaos ruler allows you to search the top 5 cards and search for possible starter, hand trap or just fill the grave with Orcusts
Additional synergy
Chaos space package good exstenders that can be used mid combo before you lock yourself into darks with tracer or other ocust effects
Ravine package these cards involve a specific combo that gets you to your chaos ruler without access to tracer
Activate Loading... and special summon Loading... from the deck
Link off tracer into Loading... and add Loading...
Trigger striker dragon and destroy itself to add rokket tracer to hand
Activate boot sector launch and special summon rokket tracer from hand
Trigger rokket tracer effect to destroy boot sector launch and special Loading... from deck
synchro summon Loading... and trigger its effect
note: the same combo can be done by normal summoning rokket tracer. Follow up also depends on what is milled, added, and in hand at the start of the turn
Ravine combo (chaos space and any dark or light monster)
- Chaos dragon refers to Loading... and Loading...
Activate Loading... to discard a dark or light monster and add a chaos dragon
Banish monster in grave and special chaos dragon
Link chaos dragon into Loading... and add Loading...
Chaos dragon effect activates to add opposite chaos dragon
Banish chaos dragon to special summon opposite dragon
Activate chaos space in grave to shuffle in a chaos dragon and draw 1 card
Link Striker dragon and chaos dragon into Loading...
Romulus effect adds Loading...
Discard a card to send Loading... to grave and add Loading... to hand
Activate boot sector launch and special summon tracer
Activate tracer to pop boot sector launch and special summon recharger
Synchro summon Loading... and mill 5
Sample Deck
rather than a variant on its own I would consider the Danger! archetype as more of an engine to help get Orcust cards in the grave as well being reliable extenders that can even bypass ash. Danger! effects trigger even if discarded by non-danger effects