8-Axis Blind Second

Win Streaks from on July 30th, 2023
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Pretty standard 8-Axis 2nd deck for this Tear/Lab format (handtraps/2spells). HOLY •••• this deck refuses to give yiu playable hands at times. My 8 win streak to M5 is most of my replays to get an idea of what to expect from this deck.

I had a lot of luck but used the deck from D5 to M5. It DID feel painful sometimes, especially in D3-D2.

Notes: -Link-4 Zerobro, never used free tech spot (like Underworld, or unicorn) -And Pank didn't come up much, but works well for a double pop when you use Sauge 1st tagret Pank, then chain pank to pop another card.

How to win:

turn kill combo 1:

Using 2 level 8 monsters xyz summon number 97: Draglubion Using number 97: Draglubion effect to summon number 100: Numeron Dragon Using number 100: Numeron Dragon effect to gain attack based on the XYZ monster total level on the field (It will at least gain 9000 ATK since the level of Draglubion + Numeron Dragon is 9) Note: if you cannot turn kill, you can choose to use number 97 Draglubion effect to summon other monsters (number 38 or number 92). You can also choose to xyz summon Dingirsu, the Orcust of the Evening Star to send 1 card your opponent controls to the GY. Then, declare attack using Dingirsu in battle phrase so you can use it to summon 5 materials (using number 84 and number 77) Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder.

turn kill combo 2:

Using destrudo to half the life point and special summon it (target level 4 monster so its level become 3) syncro summon Psychic End Punisher (using level 8 monster and destrudo) Psychic End Punisher will gain the ATK points in battle phrase based on difference between you and your oppenent LP (Since your life point is half, it will at least increase 4000 ATK if your opponent Life point is 8000). Note: If you still do not have enough damage for TK, you can gain the attack in battlle phrase and end the turn. Note that it is important to remain your LP lower than your opponent LP so Psychic End Punisher unaffected by your opponent effect.

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ID: 340-415-029 The First 5 replays are apart of the win streak.

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