8-Axis Blind Second

Win Streaks from on August 13th, 2023
cp-ur 1260 + cp-sr 330
48 cards

Notes & Combos

This is my current build after a little bit of testing but there's a bit of changes still needed. Kashtira isn't at full power yet and the current build isn't very strong so other decks are still prevalent in the meta. Once the rest of Kashtira comes out, I'll likely drop Shifter. I believe my other build is better than this one until Kashtira becomes dominant in the meta. Gymir will be a strong summon once Kashtira becomes more powerful to stop banishes and also banish whatever you chain it to. Extra Deck will likely be adjusted to account for Extra Deck banishes as well.

I plan on running 2 copies of Kashtira Fenrir once I get them, but I spent 11K gems and didn't get any.

Swapped Gustav Max for Chaos Angel, but both have their uses. I opted for Chaos Angel with Gamma.

Gren Maju can pull off some comebacks going second into Kashtira, but it's often bricky so I just played one for fun.

Gamma is good to provide a Light for Chaos Angel and can also go into Azalea for pop(s). Whether Azalea or Dharc is better just depends on the meta, it is a bit flexible.

You can drop the Gamma package and Chaos Angel/Gymir and run Dharc + Zeroboros for a different line to clear boards/OTK.

Eschatos is a viable option that I've tried a few times.

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570-963-004 on Master Duel

hi im malphas#1100 on Discord or @Malphas in #8-axis in MDM discord, feel free to contact me.