
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 25th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 600
60 cards

Notes & Combos

I could talk about this deck forever but I'll try to keep it as succinct as I can.

I took heavy inspiration from 决斗恶徒 who has been toppping Chinese tournaments with this list. I made some important changes though which I'll cover quickly.

  • I love Gizmeks but theres just no shot that 4 massive conditionally summonable boys is correct. I dropped those and never missed them.
  • He places a heavy emphasis on access to Regulus and while I like this line of thinking I preffered to augment my ratios a little as his were a little to slim in my opinion. In retrospect I would play 3 Regulus so its a guarenteed Metalcruncher seach.

Now for the intricaies of the list itself.

Fortress is everything for the deck. While you can get to Don via the Striker line, you need Fortress to extend once you get there. If you open Fortress, make Ballista and add Box + Tunneler. You can discard those for Fortress and then make Don. You frequently use tunneler to reshuffle your non-OPT synchros and tuners back mid combo.

Quick Don-Combo line (I really love how this list solves the issue of tuner access):

  1. Don - 3 tokens
  2. Don 2nd effect, tribute Don + Token, Summon O-Lion
  3. O-Lion + Token for Accel Synchron
  4. Accel effect - send Jet - Accel effect to level down
  5. Accel + Token for Smol Burrito (the 7), Smol Burrito summon 96 (the level 2 tuner).
  6. 96 + last token for Librarian
  7. Use Jet GY effect, to resummon it and make Medium Burrito, Medium Burrito effect for 4624.

This gets you access to at least 4 extra draws for any of your 12 ways to get Fortress access. After that the line is much more modular but hopefully the replay will help show it off.

Final Notes:

  • I only used 13 cards in my ED at any point in my climb. The sorrowcats were just random link monsters in my ED. I think you want a generic 8 (Borreload?) but maybe you want Aegrine/Accel Stardust. Or Nat Beast. Or a third Large Burrito. I really don't know, just figure those spots are filler.
  • Magical Hound outs floods and can be grabbed off AG Box. I played vs a lot of cheese for some reason so it came up clutch a lot.
  • I was super sceptical of HAMP but its actually really good. It being a searchable Fortress tribute and Kaiju just feels great.
  • End your combo by using Baron to pop Fortress, summoning Citadel from the GY.
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[Heres me playing through 3 Hand Traps]