Skull Servant

Special Duel: Link Regulation from on October 22nd, 2022
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 540
60 cards

Notes & Combos

This is the deck i used for the Link Reg Event !

Like you see, this is a skull servant deck i played for the event, made for go 2nd. Some stuff is not the best IMO, like the raigeki, which i would change for a nibiru or another TTT if i have another copy of them.

I also used card destruction which can be a pretty good tech card in this deck, but it wasn't the best IMO.

I used samurai skull instead of another gozuki or shiranui solitaire because the effect which when they leave the field can come up and protect you, when for example doesn't work if solitaire get ashe'd. maybe do 2/2 gozuki / samurai skull would be better ?

Forbidden droplet is especially good in this deck because it triggers wightbaking or wightprince.

Crow is probably one of the best handtraps for the event, because it's not bad versus marincess or sky striker. I hesitated to put ghost belle, but crow has more versatility. Veiler is pretty good too here.

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