
Master V from on April 14th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 360
60 cards

Notes & Combos

The concept of the deck is that Altergeist gets access to Magicians' Souls, which gets access to Diabellstar, which can get access to Altergeist. This means that any of the three engines can access the other two to create an advantage loop. To maintain the loop, multiple extenders such as Magician's Restage, World Legacy Succession, Dwimmered Path are used. After that, the bodies are used in Link plays, with the Codebreaker package quickly increasing the Link ratings from 2 to 6 under Selene. To provide a stable amount of Spell Counters for Selene, the Adventure package is used. It also insulates against handtraps, and is a good engine to fall back on. Therefore, Altergeist Meluseek + Rite of Aramesir is the ideal 2 card combo. Verte package is also an alternate plan against heavy disruption, and Mirrorjade can be a good addition to the endboard using two leftover bodies. The endboard is Knightmare Gryphon under Selene, floodgating the opponent, with possible negate(s) from Gryphon Rider and/or Diabellstar trap, and possibly Mirrorjade banish into Rindbrumm revive and fuse into Sprind. Maxx C and board breakers are used as non-engine. Enemy Controller is a sleeper pick, but it is really good at dodging targeting effects, stealing a monster in the process, and also works exceptionally well with Altergeist Meluseek.

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