Master I from on November 28th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 780
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Lock your opponent out of special summoning until your next turn thanks to summoning Artifact Mjollnir to their board on your turn.

Here's the basic combo tutorial in video form: https://youtu.be/XZUehXgEzWw?si=v4OM7as7NCAtjgMW

It's a pretty straightforward idea. Abusing Quinquery to force Mjollnirs multi turn lingering special summon lock on an opponent. It's very similar to the Branded Expulsion Gimmick Puppet Lock, but you do all the work on your turn so it's stronger against Called By The Grave and what not.

A fun side effect of this is Mjollnir's effect on being summoned turns on Talents and Thrust. Not super relevant as the game is already won, but cute!

You backup the combo with a Tri-gate setup. I usually hate Tri-gate but this deck has tons of extra deck room (enough to fit in a Zeus setup, which is rare in Spyral), and it's something to do with all the leftover material after doing the Mjollnir setup.

Awakening of the Possessed -- Nefariouser Archfiend is the funniest tech of this deck, and is maybe the biggest downside of the combo (needing a second pseudo brick on top of Mjollnir), but it's material neutral, summons from deck, and enables a rank 5 play.

Other than that it's the usual Small World Spyral stuff, with the toolbox cards like Kurikara, Pank, Fenrir etc who all are easy to search off Small World, and itself searchable off Thrust. Threw in a Karma Cannon because of all the mathmech and vanquish soul I've been seeing, but actually spent most of the season with D Barrier in that spot when Kash and Purrely were more popular. You can also just cut the trap all together and throw in a crossout or something for a sixth maxx c out. Your choice.

Deck's pretty good, I did most of my climbing winning games going second, oddly enough. Have fun.

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