
Master I from on June 17th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Standard Mythical Beast Endymion, now with one less Magister because Magister sucks. Consider removing them entirely. I left 2 in because I've had games where I was grasping for high scales to immediately pend before going to Electrumite/BtP.

Village is arguably stronger than Valley (cripples Branded, Sprights, Floo. Disables sacky cards like SPoly, DRNM, Droplet.) I'd recommend switching that one last Valley to Village since Tear is less common now. I left it my list because I forgor 💀.

CbtG is also a card that you can consider adding into your list, maybe by switching out 1 Void, 1 of the floodgate fields, and/or TTT. But honestly, TTT is really freaking good rn.

I'm kinda considering removing Sloth because it barely came up recently. But note that it's still p good when you have it in hand to counter when opp has IP, Granguignol, Cartesia or Melffy stuff on board.


With Garura released, I'd also recommend people trying out the Extra-Foolish Burial variant (as introduced by @w/@wonilcho in Endy channel in MDM Discord) by switching:

  • 2 Magister -> Soul+IoC
  • 3 Void -> 2-3 Allure
  • 2 Floodgate fields -> 2-3 EFB
  • 1 Sloth -> 1 smolJack or remove (unless you really feel like Sloth is important)
  • Rebellion+Overlord -> Arc Light+Garura
  • 1 ED Monster of your choice -> N'tss (optional)

That one has absolute gas and can sometimes push through more interactions than the standard list, but can be harder to pilot and prone to Desires+Allure banishing key cards if you don't have a clear gameplan (me 💀). Check out @plague's list from the previous season for a visual list.

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