
Master I from on December 31st, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 600
55 cards

Notes & Combos

1 Card (Sunseed Loci) --> Cactus Bouncer + Teardrop + Benghalancer + Kanzashi

  • Nibiru really saved me a lot of times that's why I'm playing 3.
  • You could actually do the Cactus Bouncer + Bamboo Shoot lock with 1 Card (Unexpected Dai), but you'll need to replace Rosewhip and add Camellia, Sacred Tree (Trap), and Bamboo Shoot.
  • I decided not to cause it would just make the deck have more bricks but if you want to be really toxic you could do it xD.
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ID: 985-030-519