Dark Magician

Legend Anthology from on February 18th, 2023
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 810
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Explaning card choices:

  • No hand traps? ``` Dog, it's supposed to be a fun Yugi-Boomer event, you're highly unlikely to go OTK'd/OTK boarded. If you must, run Crow/Veiler and phase out the tech cards I put in like Silent Magician/Destrudo. I am of the opinion that, if you have enough gas, the 1-2 disruptions most decks can put up this event going first won't do anything to you.

In this event, Crow >>> Veiler, but Veiler synergies with the Spellbook Engine/your deck more. ```

  • Why Spellbook?

``` With this engine, you can greatly thin you deck while supplmenting your draw power using Spellbook of Knowledge. Spellbook of Fate is still amazing removal and synergies well with The Dark Magicians effect. If you use'd a Spellbook card already, you can Fate to Book of Moon dodge Imperm/Veiler, not that that's too necessary this event. ```

  • Why no Spellbook Magician of Prophecy?

``` You have normal summons much more imperative than blue boy. You already have enough draw power to reach the Spellbook engine or mulligan its cards. ```

  • Silent Magician

``` Used as a beat stick meant to kill "Towers" like Cyberdark End Dragon if you can't reach Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon. Good to protect your backrow if you couldn't get to Dark Magician the Dragon Knight ```

  • Destrudo

``` Used to clear Rod/Souls/whoever else off the field.

  1. Make Shooting Riser 2a. If Dark Magician on field, make Ultimaya 2b. If Dark Magician Girl/Apprentice Illusion Magician, send Souls, make Ultimaya ```
  • Metalfoes Fusion

``` Used as discard fodder and draw power. A poor man's triple Upstart that doesn't get in the way of OTKing ```

  • 3 Preparation of Rites vs. 3 Illusion of Chaos

``` Preparation of Rites isn't OPT so you can use it if you have multiple copies/get draw power out of it. Better deck thinning ```

  • Apprentice Illusion Magician

``` Synergy with Destrudo and searcher for Dragon Magician for lines with Secrets of Dark magic and Timaeus. A 1.5 card Dark Magician the Dragon Knight, essentially ```

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