
Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 24th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 150
45 cards

Notes & Combos

not playing rescue cat in this deck is trolling, card is the best 1 card combo in the game + visas helps playing through imperm ending on full combo + a handloop, gamma is already goated in this deck with cat is even more

cat + AHL makes this deck turbo consistent this deck almost never bricks

over 40 cards is optimal, playing it on strict 40 makes you cut on necessary engine or non engine and makes you open your bad one ofs more often

I was on 46 with more crows but the meta was not really that good for crow on my climb so I went back to 1

also tried nib, droll and TTT, all 3 didn't perform well enough but probably nib is worth it won me 1 game, but it conflicts with AHL which kind of sucks

ed is really tight nothing can be cut or add I value baronne to play around stuff, accescode to end games and abyss dweller is also a endboard piece all other cards are mandatory for combos

just 1 level 3 claw is fine because if you open it + cat you can still combo, 2 prismas because if you open 1 with another in deck is not that bad as a NS if needed and your AHL wont be dead

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