Earth Machine

Duelist Cup DLv. Max from on March 21st, 2024
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 720
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Deck looks sacky, but vast majority of the hands give you full combo through a handtrap. This is for sure not an optimal list, some cards you can cut are Gallant Granite+Barrier Statue, Big Benkei has not come up once for me, Bullet Train is nice when you need to extend into Auroradon before getting anything going, otherwise it's just a discard fodder. Most of the games you end on two negates + banish, but if you're ending your Karakuri line on Super Shogun Bureibu you can also consider going for Swordsoul Supreme Sovereign Chengying. Always do your Superheavy lines first, it sucks when you draw SH enging + Grass because you'll have to thin your deck before milling a lot, but think about it this way, you can Grass once you've made Baronne so it will not get Ashed :)

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