
Diamond V from on January 7th, 2023
cp-ur 660 + cp-sr 930
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Replay SS13 :002-594-587

What can scrap engines do? it gives this deck a possible 1.5 card combo if you draw "scrap recycle" in start hand (though the odds are not high) But, strength of scrap engine is you can summon "thunder dragon colossus"! How use this engine? You can add "scrap recycle" to hand by combining the effect of "oracle of zefra" and "Ravenous"(Ravenous chain 1 oracle chain 2 and place scrap recycle to top deck) and we can summon sync "Ravenous" using zefranui's effect to treat zefranui as a tunner and synchro summon "Ravent"

Details of the combo you can watch the video below and take it as an Eg

Eg video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9E-c-Bpybg

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