Thunder Dragon

Diamond V from on April 13th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 1170
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Not listed under Danger! Thunder Dragon because the Dangers are not a mandatory part of the deck, in fact running Ishizus, Necroface or another engine/non-engine cards like Droplets might be better.

I need to test more with the Ishizus specifically, shufflers are massive vs Tear and millers trade with their millers; on the flipside giving Tear mills on turn 0 isn't great unless you have shufflers at the ready.


Other than Ze Amin into Chaos Ruler, we don't have linear combo lines. Getting into Curious is usually priority. Try and picture what endboard you're going for as you extend, don't just click yes...

This deck can very consistently end on Elf+Colossus+Dweller with Snow in GY or under Dweller, but you can have Apollousa, Hope Harb, Drago/Rulk mixed in here and there. I recommend trying to prioritize ending on Dweller this format for obvious reasons...

Also try as much as you can to end on Thunder Dragon Fusion in the GY this is how you win grind games.


There is little wiggle room in my ED, my only true flex slot is Hope Harbinger but even so it came up often enough in my games so it stays for now.


The great thing about this deck is that not only you have explosive turn 1 combos and decent enough board breaking but you also have a very strong grind game with Titan Looping

  1. Activate TDF (Thunder Dragon Fusion) in your GY and search Thunder Dragonroar.
  2. Use Dragonroar's hand eff to add TDF back to your hand.
  3. Activate TDF to summon Titan, shuffling back Dragonroar (and your 2nd Titan if you've used one already, this is so you can do this again and again).
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Master Duel ID: 648-288-304

I normally don't save replays so I just got a couple decent enough ones, nothing great if I'm being honest. Just showing off how your turn 1 might look like.

I'm sure I missplayed and sequenced things poorly sometimes, still learning after all.