
Diamond V from on April 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 750
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Not optimal, but very fun. Goal is to go first and setup unbreakable board, going second sucks but isn't unplayable.

Full endboard should have Cactus Bouncer, Jasmine pointing to Cactus and Majoram, Majoram and Kanzashi to help protect Cactus and our board, Benhalancer, and then Konkon, Bloom, and Blessed Winds set. I'll put a replay with an example full combo. Even if full combo is interupted, unless you are stopped at Dryas with no follow up, you can usually still end on a strong board. Typically you can still go into Rikka plays without the full sunavalon/aroma combos.

With current Tear format, I'd consider replacing Teardrop with another plant Xyz like Hyperyton, 2nd Strenna, or Alsei since Teardrop's tribute activates Tear fusions. I'm also on the fence about keeping dancepione but I decided to keep it for now.

The staples and tech cards are mostly at 2 to have more room and because I'm broke. Also for the same reasons I haven't tried out the Therion cards in this deck but I imagine they would probably be good.

I don't know how this deck holds up in diamond since I haven't played much since I hit diamond 5, but I will update the decklist if I make more progress.

SHOUTOUT TO KHALLID WHO I GOT MY ORIGINAL DECKLIST FROM: https://www.masterduelmeta.com/top-decks/diamond-v/february-2023/aroma/khallid/iBROS

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ID: 548-131-678

1st replay: Maxx C challenge vs Tear, they used Havinis early on and got a bad mill so I just combod till they deck out

2nd replay: Endboard example vs Despia

3rd replay: Messy grind game vs Tear, shrine was MVP for this duel