
Dark VS. Light from on August 19th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

I got a 13 win-streak against mostly diamond/master players, so I'm pretty happy with the deck. I was considering Numeron before the event, but no Wall made me sad and mulligan card turbo seemed a bit meme. Seeing Saimol's submission ( made me reconsider.

My main issue with their list is the Blue-Eyes cards. Rage is nice as an additional OTK option, but all three Blue-Eyes White Dragons being hard-garnets that must be in deck to actually OTK seemed like more trouble than it's worth. Likewise, Blue-Eyes OTK wants no monsters on field while Numeron wants monsters to attack into, so some of the board breaker choices are awkward to share between the two.

So instead I dropped all 9 Blue-Eyes cards + 2 Raigeki and went all in on Numeron by adding more draw spells (Desires, Triple Tactics, Card Destruction). Additionally, I'm running a playset of Limiter Removal to help with OTKing against empty boards and boards with many ~3k bodies.

I also added Called By mostly as an out to Blackwing Sharnga popping my Network from the GY. Gamma was also a consideration here, but I liked maxing out on spells to more reliably get Sky Striker Engage's extra draw online while still being able to activate Left Arm Offering afterwards. Plus I think there's something funny about a maindeck with zero monster cards.

I prefer Dark Hole over Raigeki since clearing my own board is likely more advantageous than not since Calling requires controlling no monsters. It worked out okay by baiting stuff like Hot Red Dragon Archfiend Abyss' negate, but in retrospect may have been better served by running Impermanences instead.

Relatedly, I'm not sold on Sky Striker Jamming Waves. I think with Desires, 3 Engage targets is correct, but in retrospect Jamming Waves should have probably been a second Widow Anchor.

I dropped AA-ZEUS because it would start with only 1 material and getting to 2 materials seems unlikely since the deck has basically no other board presence going into turn 3. I added Knightmare Gryphon because it's a mildly annoying floodgate and a bit of recursion, but I can't remember ever opting for it.

In general I'm not a fan of running 3x copies of the Numeron Gates, but since Dogmatika has a non-zero presence and I dunno what else I'd use the space for in this event: better safe than sorry.

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