8-Axis Blind Second

Xyz Festival from on February 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

A straightforward but expensive deck:

  1. Block or destroy your opponent's backrow with Denko Sekka, Lightning Storm or Duster
  2. Draw cards with Pot of Desires, Trade-In or Triple Tactic Talents (TTT)
  3. Give your opponent a Kaiju
  4. Summon your monsters
  5. Take you opponent's monsters with TTT, Change of Heart or Monster Reborn
  6. Xyz Summon Draglubion for Numeron Dragon (9000+ ATK) or Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon → Cipher X Dragon → Full Armor Photon Dragon and maybe use its effect to destroy a face-up card; only go into Cipher Blade Dragon (which can destroy a card on the field) if you can OTK, else go into Zeus.
  7. If your TTT is frequently dead against your opponents, you can replace it with Brain Control or Owner's Seal to get your Kaiju back.

Extra deck uses:

  • Lancelot can attack directly, to go into Pain Gainer → Seven Sins → Zeus afterwards
  • Sanaphond is a first turn card but not that hard to out.
  • Zombie Vampire can still be summoned when you only have one Lv. 8 monster and a stolen non-Lv.8 monster from your opponent
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