
Win Streaks from on October 10th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

heh 14 winstreak in Master 1

tiaraments strongest


Some notes from the Pre-Kash list I hit M1 with. Thrust/Talents/Herald goes without saying, great into Kash and Purrely. The Kashtira cards EAT handtraps which is really funny when I full combo them afterwards. TearKash Kit is a mill 10, which benefits Lunalights a lot; I still miss Kelbek and Agido.

I ended by 14 winstreak to Ash on Thrust, Judgement on Talents into Shang/Arise/Fenrir so that's pretty funny.

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Replays at ID: 343-646-851 (Pre-Kash, the Kash games were pretty much all non-entertaining non-games)