
Win Streaks from on October 13th, 2023
cp-ur 810 + cp-sr 420
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First things first, gotta shout out Sofke and Qrow for their great guide for the archetype (that's where I got the idea for Regulus which gives the deck some more power)

I was initially running thrust, but it really is not that great in the deck. Rescue-Ace is my favorite deck in the TCG, but I didn't have any experience playing it pre-DUNE so this was new for me. I really do think the deck isn't that bad right now, but I feel a gaping hole where emergency and preventer should be.

Quick breakdown of what you are trying to do with this deck if you haven't seen the guide I mentioned above: This is more of a link variant of the deck which is what I am most comfortable with. Going first, you want to try your best to resolve turbulence. Going second, you want to try to out advantage your opponent with handtraps. I activate impulse on my opponents turn pretty often and go for engine or attacker.

I dont think this deck has space for thrust and I'm still debating if reinforce is correct.

Side Note: I don't think my list is great or super competitive, but I felt sad not seeing my favorite archetype with a deck list posted on here so I brewed this up and grinded for a 5 game winstreak in M1 (If you didn't know, M1 isn't super competitive as there is nothing to gain from playing super meta)

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No replays yet, but will post some if anyone wants.