
Win Streaks from on November 5th, 2023
cp-ur 1050 + cp-sr 420
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Tomahawk Auroradon play are pretty risky, so make sure you have cards ready for interruptions like CbtG, Crossout, etc. It is possible to setup a ridiculous endboard by having IP Masq, Baronne, Borelload, Colossus, Shangri-Ira, and Arise-Heart, all of them at the same turn although it requires 3-card combo. Also keep in mind you shouldnt go for this play under D. Shifter coz it requires cards like Jet Synchron and O-Lion to be sent to graveyard. So if its not possible then just go for normal Bang the Shangri play.

But to be honest, this list is a win-more version of an already not-so consistent Kashtira deck, so you might have to go try-hard a little bit. Hehe

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