
Win Streaks from on March 12th, 2024
cp-ur 1110 + cp-sr 330
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This specific list performed VERY well. I went on a 8 game winning streak then a loss to a perfect Floo hand in Shifter + Imperm + Sarc + Robina.... Then went on another 7 game win streak! I thought about adding Tuning but im not sure if I want to remove any of the consistency cards.

The changes I can make would be Riser or Punisher out and Zeus and/or Earth Golem @Ignister (spoly target) in. Punisher and Riser both come up quite a bit surprisingly although not necessary imo. I did have 2 otks with Destrudo > Psychic End > banish to be at 3k lp then another body like Kaleidoheart/Rulkallos.

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