
Win Streaks from on March 12th, 2024
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is very consistent and can play through some interactions and still build an acceptable endboard, but it hurts a lot getting Bone Archfiend or Red Rising Dragon negated. Resonators was one of my very first decks when I started playing Master Duel/Yu-Gi-Oh! in general and the new support pushes the deck to a whole new level. I just went from Diamond 2 to Master 3 using this version of the deck and it's been a lot of fun.

I'm using Buster Dragon and Red Nova Dragon but they're the least used cards on the deck, feel free to switch them for Baronne / Void Ogre / extra copy of Red Rising, Scarred or Dis Pater. I also prefer the "pure" version instead of the Bistial + Calamity lock, it feels more consistent for me and Calamity lock is just "win more".

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