Grass Chaos

Win Streaks from on March 27th, 2023
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 1080
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Finalized version of this list.

I had already been working on a P.U.N.K. pile before Ishizu came out with varying tech choices, and this is the culmination of my progress figuring the list out and what I wanted out of it.

My idea was always to play Ruler first, then make Vampire to get deck info, and finally make Curious to send specific targets to fit the matchup I was facing (like Stein to turn off backrow, or Iblee to steal a turn or force certain options out of them), then complete the board with the things I sent to the GY.

The usual endboard should be: Iblee lock + Spright Elf + Thunder Dragon Colossus + any single or 2-man combination of I:P, Baronne and Abyss Dweller depending on extenders used/available, typically with 1 empty zone for Snow/Elf plays


Card choices

  • Cyber-Stein

Elf/Cross-Sheep target. Cheats out Naturia Exterio to cover the deck's inherent weakness to backrow (also because I despise Runick and floodgates).

  • Iblee

Elf/Cross-Sheep target. Mainly added after some time with the initial decklist because board breakers like Lava Golem and Super Poly would hurt a lot. This covers most of those cards and can steal turns for follow-up OTK. Pair up with Electromagnetic Turtle (or Snow banishing your attack-position monsters in a pinch) to prevent them from crashing.

  • Diviner of the Heralds

Elf/Cross-Sheep target. Sends Ishizu or Valkyria to grave, becoming Lv6. Pair up with Lv4s like Snow or Giant Rex to make Baronne, or use during opp turn with Elf to make Ishizu plays.

  • Chaos Valkyria

Procs Thunder Dragons. Can send important Light monsters like Snow, Electro. Turtle or Diviner for plays next turn.

  • Giant Rex

Banish target for Snow. Helps make Abyss Dweller when Snow banishes it. Alternatively helps with Baronne or Links.

  • Ishizu

Helps make the deck's original milling strategy even stronger. The shufflers can help fix GY+deck for plays where cards need to be in deck in order to work (ex: Diviner sending fairies, Dragonroar effect, Dragondark effect).

  • Danger!

Free DARK bodies with varying Types for Curious. Nessie can make Baronne with the Lv3 P.U.N.K.s which comes up. Can help fix hands, both with the draws and by sending things you want in GY.

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