
Win Streaks from on March 15th, 2023
cp-ur 870 + cp-sr 360
42 cards

Notes & Combos

for replays : 412-934-442

main gist is to use 2 card combos to set up a ahrclord kristya lock, disruptions board or otk going second.

main 2 card combo is earth/waters + venus/neptune. earth to search either neptune or venus, whichever u dont have and waters to search earth or neptune.

this combo aims to end on:

-elf on emz -parshath under elf -ip masq under elf -chengying -masterflare hyperion -orange herald in hand -archlord kristya in hand -diviner of the heralds in gy

play is to summon diviner off elf asap to pop something by sending ntss. then linking to apollusa or unicron with ip with diviner and/or elf to then trigger parshs eff to summon kristya. since it bamishes for cost, it will trigger cheng if needed to set up a chain of disruptions one after the other. masterflare is also a banish that can trigger cheng. all on top of herald of orange in hand with discard fodder u searched with cupid pitch. neptune, searched by pitch, is also next turn follow up.

yes i know, dies to drnm, raigeki + droplet, sphere mode, kaijus, etc. no need to remind me lol

i had ishizus shuffler ls in the deck at forst but didnt run into many mill piles where the shufflers were of benefit so i dropped them.

other 2 card combos like diviner + neptune/loagaeth, earth + loagaeth, neptune + venus, aim to turbo kristya out or run a weaker version of the plan above.

currently there are no 1 card combos until spright sprind is out. therefore focusing on the 2 card combos as much as possible in the meantime.

not the best going second and relies on ht and heralds to break set ups. however it can set up otks via accescode and master hyperion.

probably wont try for D1, its still not worth my sanity and time.

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