Evil Eye

Win Streaks from on July 13th, 2023
cp-ur 840 + cp-sr 570
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Played this deck with a 11-2 score in Master V-IV .I matched a lot ot Tears and labrynths and I always won. I'm having a lot of fun playing it. I'm also very satisfied how I built the main deck, expecting a lot of labrynth and trap decks with the release of the new pack and I was right. Red reboot was clutch ,I think it's mandatory these days for every deck (also for the trap-based ones). Red reboot can turn off opponents traps and this deck is very good to make a 4-mats Zeus to clear the field. It also negates evenly and impermanence. The deck has 9 1-card combos:3x Serziel, 3x Unleashed, 3x Pareidolia. Goal endboard is to have Pareidolia, Serziel equipped with Evil Eye of Selene, Cicada King(You can end on machinex instead but it's risky cause play better around SuperPoly that is popular rn and better around Nibiru even if nobody uses him rn) and Evil Eye Retribution. During your opponent turn you have a ss monster pop ,an indestrucitble and untargetable Serziel ,S/T negate counter-trap and a monster(on the field) negate with cicada. Detach Basiltrice from Cicada to have another interruption (pop or monster negate),making Zerrziel (or Gorgon) using Basiltrice effect with Serziel,Basiltrice and Eye of Selene and re-equip Eye of Selene on him with Unleashed GY effect. Standard combo is NS Serziel,search and activate Unleashed, send Basiltrice and Gorgoneio and add Selene ,Gorgoneio banish and discard Selene to search the field spell ,activate it to search Basilius and summon it , send Unleashed, Selene GY effect and banish Unleashed and equip it on Serziel(try to have at least 1 Unleashed in GY during your opponent turn).Then Summon Basiltrice from GY and Xyz into Cicada King or Machinex.The smallest evil eye package would be cut 1x Catoblepus, 1x Basiltrice and 1x Selene but I think the actual ratio is fine. Extra Deck mandatory monsters to have are 1x Gorgon,1x Zerrziel,1x Darius, 1x Machinex and 1x Zeus the rest is up to you but I recommend to play 2x gorgon even if I never summoned her 2 times in the same game. If you have 3x Gorgon and 3x Zeerziel(don't craft anyway,only if you already have those) you can also play Pot of Extravagance,even if it's a little risky. The deck doesn't suffer Maxx C,cause ending on Serziel equipped with Selene and Basiltrice in GY or field are a lot of interruptions for just 1 draw.Feel free to ask any questions and check the replays to see how the deck works.

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