Vanquish Soul

Win Streaks from on January 6th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 960
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Now to start of, this deck is bad like really bad, just run pure vs, I did this as a joke when I saw on the mathmech channel a vs deck list with 40% going second cards and 20% floodgate. So I got the real evil idea of making a worse version of that and getting a winstreak in master 1

This deck is absolutely bricky, you will brick real often the only saving grace is the pots that mill the garbage in the deck.

When making this deck I just put every going 2nd card, floodgate card, and handtrap I had that was the 3 attributes making this monstrosity of a vanquish floodgate kaijus featuring jinzo

there is so much anti-synergy in this deck that its pretty funny, jinzo shutting off all your floodgates but also helping in the VS mirror matches as they never expect you to tribute over your fenrir for jinzo

the real mvps are the continous floodgates lmao, i didn't realize how well VS plays under summon limit on your opponents turn, or how skill drain is something VS can reliably play under too because it slows the game enough where you are prolly gonna have a tag out by the time you activate it.

Funnily enough I won agaist runick stun super easily because of anti spell, biding me enough time to stop their draw engine to use kaiser coloseum to lock them to 1 monster then using feather duster to whipe their backrow since they cant protect with hugin anymore

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