Gold Pride

Win Streaks from on January 17th, 2024
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This is probably the coolest deck released in a while. Any hand ends on a quick bounce 3-4, three pops, a quick fusion into pin baller (which equips 2-3 monsters you opponent controls and can't be negated) and you draw 3-4. Pin baller also gives crazy recursion, since you can keep bringing back the roller baller and keep fusing every turn. The gold prides let you play decently into maxx c and you don't really hard lose to droll.

For the deck building, I never go into the dingirsu or the second chariot carrie, so these are cuttable for something else. I don't think you need 3 leon since it's not that good to see, but 3 captain carrie probably work well. The crowd goes wild is bad, it really doesn't do much in most hands. You can play terrortop takentomborg, but it's 4 more engine which would mean cutting even more non engine. I don't like droll at all personally so I cut it, but it's whatever.

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