P.U.N.K. Dogmatika Shaddoll

Win Streaks from on January 10th, 2023
cp-ur 780 + cp-sr 600
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Your ideal turn 1 end board is Sharakusai + Maximus and Ecclesia with a set Shaddoll Schism and a P.U.N.K trap. Your main line of play is to find Sharakusai and use it to fuse into Rising Carp. You use Rising Carp to summon Sharakusai + Madame Spider to search a P.U.N.K trap. You then either tribute the Madame Spider for Foxy Tune/Ogre Dance to get a level 8 on board, or if you have access to your Dogmatika package you can end on Maximus/Fleurdelis instead. You use Sharakusai to synchro summon an Amazing Dragon on your opponent's turn for 2-3 bounces and then use it's other effect to revive Rising Carp and go for an otk on your turn 3.

I don't think this deck is that fantastic tbh, so I would not recommend trying to climb with this if climbing is your goal. But I do think this is a pretty fun deck with reasonably quick turns, and I find the P.U.N.K cards to be very cool visually (Amazing Dragon's summon animation is something I will never get tired of), so I wanted to do something with them as we wait for Deer Note to come out. Please Konami!

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