
Win Streaks from on February 25th, 2024
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck prefers to go first. It can go second but most hands you get can only push through 2-3 negates. It's better and pushing through other kinds of interruption since Alba Zoa can make your board immune to enemy ED monster but still. Try to go first.

So the main thing you wanna do with this deck is shotgun alba zoa and get a quem with albaz in grave. This will often win you the game vs a combo deck that depends heavily on the ED.

On of the main lines to accomplish this is an 2 card combination of any of these cards: Nadir servant, Dogmatika Eccliasia, Alba zoa, DogmatikaMatrix, DogmatikaLamity. With any combination of those 2 you can search the missing ritual spell or monster or even both. Maximus could also work but then you first need to Blazing Cartesia fusing into Granguinol to have something in the graveyard to banish. These 2 ways leave you with 3 cards in the hand with are hopefully handtraps or follow up for next turn which you will often get since most decks cant OTK through a 4k attack and defense immune to ED monster with over half their ED missing.

About the Branded/bystial package. You can easily reduce it to fit your needs for the current meta. Most of the time you wont even use branded fusion and the intermediate dragons and go straight into Mirrorjade with albaz so you could cut branded fusion and Lubellion/Albion, i just like them as insurance incase i play vs a non ED deck. You can cut verte for the same reason. The bystial can also be replace by DD crow if you wanna keep their handtrap utility. Although that will make making chaos angel and Dis piater almost not doable. So up to you.

Matchups Good:

  • Most ED heavy decks, most struggle if you rip out half their ED.


  • Trap/spell decks, you dont really affect them too much but you still have that branded recursion to beat through it sometimes
  • Branded, alba zoaing them gives them a ton of advantage but you are also immune to quite a large part of said advantage so can go either way.


  • Decks that really on Main deck monster mostly. Think vanquish soul and sadly Snake-eyes. Going 2nd you can sometimes squeze out a victory mostly since they dont setup up negates but going first you basically give them a free turn since you dont damage their strategy.

Overall i must remind you to not expect miracles. It's a funny way to play but not really something i would expect people to rise to M1 with. So if you already have the branded parts then try it out.

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Ill try to get some good showcases of going second but here are where i go first:

I am going to share the links later. Slight issue with recording software. Going first:

Vs Rescue-Ace Snake-eyes


Vs Punk


Vs Snake-eyes
