
Win Streaks from on August 28th, 2022
cp-ur 690 + cp-sr 450
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Master Hyperion isn't required, but it's nice to have it in some situations. Ash Blossom, Maxx C, and Called by the grave can be replaced with whatever hand traps/negates you like, but personally, I found this combination to work the best for me.

This deck is strongest when going first.

The best scenario is you draw Venus or Diviner of the Herald and perform a 1 card combo to build a powerful board:

  • Venus combo: DKayed has a video on it on his YT channel no reason to explain it here (character limit)

  • Diviner of Herald: Summon Diviner, activate eff -> dump Trias Hierarchia in GY -> Trias Eff to sacrifice Diviner and SS from GY -> Diviner eff to summon Buten -> Synchro summon Masterflare Hyperion -> Hyperion Eff, dump Venus -> now your Hyperion turned into Venus so you can do the same exact combo as the 1card

  • 2 card combo starters: Earth and Neptune, Earth and Sacred Waters, Neptune and Sacred Waters (Sacred Waters can search Neptune or earth). Basically, you want to summon earth, search venus, and discard Neptune to summon Venus and the combo is pretty much the same from here.

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