Dragon Link

WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 24th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 780
45 cards

Notes & Combos

There are many way to summon thunder dragon Colossus

  1. Summon Trishula -> banish roar -> summon dark -> use dark for Link material -> dark eff add hawk -> hawk eff summon Roar -> summon colossus
  2. Chaos ruler milling dark/roar -> use chaos ruler eff banish them, to add hawk
  3. chaos space discard dark/roar -> wyverbuster banish them -> add hawk
  4. and other

Triple Burst dragon is there to enable dharc into pisty triangle, also enable to add hawk from dark before making chaosruler

combo example to turbo colossus opening hand : BMD + wyverbuster

  1. NS BMD
  2. LS Striker, CL1 add BSL, CL2 add REDMD
  3. SS wyverbuster banish BMD
  4. LS Romulus, CL1 add ravine, CL2 add Collapserpent
  5. Ravine pitch REDMD dump Absorouter, Add tracer
  6. SS collapserpent, LS Striker , add 2nd Wyverbuster
  7. Activate BSL, SS Tracer, LS Pisty
  8. Pisty revive REDMD, REDMD revive tracer
  9. Banish Pisty + REDMD + Striker, summon Trishula
  10. Trishula Banish Thunder dragonRoar + Snipe Opponent extradeck
  11. Roar SS dragondark
  12. dragondark + Romulus -> LS triple burst, Add Dragonhawk
  13. Tracer Pop BSL , SS Recharger From Here you can get greedy by summoning Chaos Ruler, or play it save by making Borreload Savage
  14. Triple Burst + Trishula + Tracer = Borrelend
  15. Borrelend target Recharger SS Tracer
  16. Tracer + Recharger = Borreload Savage Dragon Equip Triple Burst
  17. Activate Dragonhawk, SS banished Roar, SS Colossus Endboard : Borrelend, Thunderdragon Colossus, Borreload Savage Dragon (3 negate), + wyverbuster in hand

best board is borrelend + seal + hot red + savage equip rom + colossus

replay, check 225-502-321

yt : https://www.youtube.com/@Quasar92

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