
WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 27th, 2023
cp-ur 900 + cp-sr 810
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Thanks to the ishizu cards this deck has a chance against tear i have won most of the tear match ups going first is basically a free win going 2nd is a game of shuffling with mudora and keldo also always shuffle their shufflers back before block dragon hits the gy or your done

The vern cards are a godsend and help boost this already powerful deck to new levels. Since you will mill a lot i put in a small tear package which they never expect and works really well rulkalos ss negate on top of your already insane board is just icing on the cake

Two granites arent neccesary i just used 2 because around level 18 the kept negating it,spinning it, or destroying it before i could use the effect so i just make another copy

Rocks go brr get good mermaids

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