8-Axis Blind Second

WCS 2023 Qualifiers DLv. Max from on May 20th, 2023
cp-ur 750 + cp-sr 630
43 cards

Notes & Combos

I never tried Owner's Seal 8-axis before, and it seems reasonable to double down on inherent summon tribute removal in a meta where Rulkallos is popular. Lava Golem being level 8 is also very funny and convenient.

Bajs' list from this month made too much sense, so I'm playing a strictly worse version of theirs.

But I also wanted to play a Charmer deck, and so with a full Change of Heart + Mind Control package, I couldn't not run all of the link Charmers.

  • Ideally: steal a monster, link it off for the appropriate flavor Charmer, revive their monster which lets me permanently keep it. Which is of course very important in a deck that wants to OTK or play Zeus control🙂. Less facetiously, the revived monster is no longer under Mind Control's attacking restriction which sometimes comes up when pushing for lethal.
  • Realistically: they play into both Rulkallos and Havnis which is always a "good time", and in a meta focused around the shufflers and GY hate, they almost never get to do anything in the first place. So I doubled down and included a Selene+Accesscode package as additional payoff for the Charmer revives🙂.

Coincidentally, the usual two 8-axis extra deck lines of 4/5 material AA-Zeus control and 9k Numeron Dragon OTK take up 7 ED slots. Which fits perfectly alongside my previous 8 ED slots of... good choices🙂.

I'm running Ecclesia+Iris as they're a reasonable 8-axis option that are spellcasters to turn on Selene's revive. Even if Iris gets milled or Desires does the usual, Ecclesia still counts as a body for link plays, which is... something.

Likewise for Mekk-Knight Blue Sky. Extra bodies even if not level 8 are still appreciated for link plays. Is it worth triggering Havnis? I dunno, but the answer feels a lot closer to "yes" than most on-field activations considering how hard he can plus me in terms of available bodies. At level 5, Blue Sky lets me tribute over a stolen monster if the Charmers are off the table, which I think is rather funny and has come up for me.

Eschatos is purely 4fun. In a non-Danger! list, getting enough materials in GY to not have to minus is a struggle and mostly relies on the charity of overzealous Tear players. But I've running into plenty of that, so in it goes. I'm not sure I like Eschatos over Protos who can unconditionally call DARK even against an empty board, but Eschatos seems less likely to be a dead card in non-charity scenarios.

I'm running an even split of Kaijus for Eschatos and more varied Charmer access, as if that ever comes up. Gameciel being aqua isn't ideal, but if a Tear player fuses it away they're potentially opening themself up to another one, which has sometimes served as a deterrent. Basically, I haven't been punished for running Gameciel yet, and thus haven't been forced to reconsider🙂.

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