
Theme Chronicle from on January 20th, 2024
cp-ur 600 + cp-sr 270
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Decent rogue deck for the event. Cards provide destruction and battle protection enabling a good control playstyle. Aria and Elegy lock is typically the standard set up.

Only play for fun and if you already have the cards. Not recommended to craft any of the Melodious archetype, as the deck sadly cannot compete in the ranked ladder at all.

A better way to play this deck for the event would be to go blind second, where I would recommend switching out 6 cards (3 Ash, the trap card, sanctuary, and 1 triple tactics) to make room for x1 more lightning storm, x2 dark hole and x3 evenly matched. I just didn’t have all of the cards/gems, so played this decklist as either 1st or 2nd just based on coin flip.

Half of the extra deck are filler. The most relevant ED cards are x1 Bloom Diva, x1 Bloom Prima, x1 Schuberta, x2 Bloom Harmonist, IP and Avramax.

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