Blind Second

Special Duel: Link Regulation from on October 16th, 2022
cp-ur 390 + cp-sr 210
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Links force monsters in attack position almost guaranteeing you OTK turn two with Montage Dragon. The amount of times people summon heatsoul and Pay 1000 putting them in lethal range is hilarious and I hope you enjoy ******* everyone off with my deck design.

The deck consists of mostly lvl 12 monsters that can almost all bridge to Montage Dragon with Small World (use timelords or subterror as a bridge to montage from almost any starting card). Montage can OTK over a monster with up to 2800 attack.

Machina package is in there just because I had the cards and sometimes you get to discard machina/drytrons with montage giving u more attack and a BP negate. Tempest/dragunity also not necessary (just another way to sometimes get montage). If you want to replace any monsters for F2P just add more timelords.

Pot/Card Destruction are just to help get to montage. If you don't open montage just timelord stall. You can add more backrow removal if you want. These are just the cards I had as F2P. Deck autoloses to imperm/veiler but rarely am stopped by these since most cards in this mode negative activated effects and montage doesnt activate effects when its summoned.

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