Vanquish Soul

Ritual Festival from on November 13th, 2023
cp-ur 990 + cp-sr 300
41 cards

Notes & Combos

A network graph of the Small World bridges for this deck can be found at -


^ Link can be copy/pasted to get around link censoring. I quite like it over the usual bridge tool people link, but I am of course very biased.


Revealing cards in hand is kind of like a ritual if you squint hard enough, so eh close enough for Ritual Fest.

With a certain EARTH Insect and 2400/2400 banish-guy banned for the event, my preferred go-to for EARTHs was ripping off 8-axis by running Pankratops and Alpha. And in the process I pivoted to blind second. It went okay: I was hoping to eat Mikanko's lunch by fighting people who passing on an empty board expecting waifu numeron. But instead I mostly ran into Mikanko and lost most of the cointosses. It still worked out fine since they have a pretty terrible time dealing with Mad Love's non-targetting bounce (and my choice, yay!) alongside Caesar's nontargetting destruction to out the Hu-Li lock.

The 15 card ED is mostly just because I could. The main purpose is having 6 as Prosperity fodder, which isn't banned for some reason? And Cross-Sheep let me put a guy in GY to recycle with Continue for a reveal which was neat but niche.

Likewise 41 cards maindeck is just because I think it's funny. I'm leaning toward cutting the second Kurikara if I had to, but I don't!

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