
Master V from on October 11th, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 450
41 cards

Notes & Combos

This deck was pretty fun and thankfully got to master hours before Arise-Heart was released. It doesn't have any 1 card combos, but it has a lot of two card combos. Small World helps a lot for finding a missing combo piece.

One of the two main combos is Diviner + any Bystial. If you don't have any spells or traps then Diviner send Herald and search for Super Soldier Synthesis. Summon Bystial and make Tzolkin. Set Synthesis and use Tzolkin's effect to make Crystal Wing. Then if your Bystial was Saronir or if you already have Lubellion in your hand or GY you can tribute Tzolkin for Lubellion and continue with normal Bystial plays. This gets a monster negate out before they can Nib and you can extend further depending on the hand.

If you already have a spell/trap you can get Sauravis off Herald instead and get targeting protection to make sure Tzolkin/Chaos Ruler goes through Imperm/Veiler. If it's turn two you can also send N'tss for a pop and continue the same combo. If your diviner gets negated, you can either link into Almiraj and banish Diviner if you have no other lights/darks for your Bystials, or just make Chaos Ruler with Diviner/Bystial if there is another light/dark to banish.

The other main combo is any Bystial + Assault Synchron/Shinobi Necro. Make Chaos Ruler and then do dumb things. Assault Synchron will bring your Chaos Ruler back an extra time if you link it off twice, or if you tribute it for Lubellion. Then you'll end up making Seals/Baron/Hope Harbinger/Chaos Angel/I:P depending on your hand and mills.

Every normal summon can link into Almiraj if you really need to get a light/dark in the GY. Even Assault Synchron since he only synchro locks you if you use his effect to special summon himself. Cupid Pitch is the most cuttable card, but I ran into a few too many games where I couldn't get a light/dark in the GY without it. There's probably a better card for that, but I like that it sends for cost and can easily make Chaos Angel.

Fenrir is Fenrir, but he's also a great Small World bridge. Also using the free Fenrir you search for as your Small World banish mitigates the -1. He can get to any dark through the Kaiju, any light through Gamma and he can search Maxx C or a Kaiju through BLS.

Gamma is also good with Small World. I like baiting an Ash/Maxx C and if they don't have it then I banish Gamma for Small World. If they do have it then you negate it and get a free Chaos Ruler.

BLS summoned with Driver = :)

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ID: 870-540-225