
Master V from on November 11th, 2023
cp-ur 720 + cp-sr 480
52 cards

Notes & Combos

Rikka deck using Aromaseraphy Sweet Marjoram to be untargetable and destroy backrow. It's hard to keep it under 45 cards, so I just didn't bother and went to 50.

The standard endboard I make is Benghalancer, Sweet Marjoram, Teardrop and Regulus, with Blessed Winds, Konkon and Princess in the GY. 1 card combo from Loci.

Petal + Rose Girl gives a lot of follow up power and Blessed Winds can shuffle back any monster from GY to the deck or extra deck to never run out of juice.

My plan going second is mostly Dark Ruler no More. Konkon also lets you tribute anything as a cost, so it can deal with a lot of troublesome monsters before they can do anything, but it's not consistent against Noir because they can remove it on activation. So I added some Santas for Noir.

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Player ID 973-115-336