
Master V from on May 8th, 2024
cp-ur 630 + cp-sr 570
45 cards

Notes & Combos

  1. Deck Choice: I chose S-force, a deck I like a lot, for this session’s report. However, I also played with other decks such as Ghostrick, Live-Twin Unchained, and others according to daily missions.
  2. Deck Versions: I tried several versions combining the archetypes with Lab (Ghostrick), Beasts, and Beatrix with Rollback.
  3. Results: I had favorable results against Tear, Snake-Eyes, and Lab. However, I played most of the matches in second place and almost always played against counters like Kashtira, Runick, Stall.
  4. Card Additions: Therefore, I had to add cards to deal with spell/traps. Unfortunately, luck was not always on my side as they always banned my outs.
  5. Deck Combo: Regardless, the deck combo can vary depending on the opponent’s deck, but ideally, it is to pass with the two traps, field, link, and at least two S-force names.
  6. Fissure: Fissure helps this deck a lot because you can play better in case you take Ashe and other handtraps. In the worst case, you pass with the trap and an S-force monster.
  7. Strategy: Always try to play to survive, have another turn. I won several matches in the grind and over time because the field with Rappa protected from attacks and he could not link, the monsters would be banned.
  8. Replays: If you are interested, I can record some replays with some other deck. I accept recommendations.
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Gonna save until end session or news options: 105-575-149