
Master V from on May 9th, 2024
cp-ur 1080 + cp-sr 360
45 cards

Notes & Combos

The deck is great. you can consistently end on seals + ip masqeurena which is 4 disruptions if you summon druiswurm with seals.

vision resonator is a very good tuner especially with the spell/trap he searches but synchro summoning isnt the main win condition of the deck. vision can be a good extender even with black metal dragon since youll end with all of the materials for seals + IP pass.

If all you open is black metal dragon youll have issues with follow up but you'll be able to make a decent enough end board.

this deck has really good grind game, arguably better than labrynth as long as you get access to the right cards.

Horus is really nice with this kind of deck because it draws 1 + mills 4 and summons any of the cards you milled which is really nice in a deck where youre playing multiple engines. you can easily gain access to all 4 of your engines just from TZV's effect and imsety's draw 1.

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latest replay is with this deck but also check out my other replays they're fun