
Master V from on January 20th, 2024
cp-ur 570 + cp-sr 480
40 cards

Notes & Combos

Managed to reach Master V with Lunalights. This is a going second OTK deck with really good board breakers. Entering the battle phase with Kaleido Chick's effect active is the main goal to guarantee the OTK with Leo Dancer. If there are too many interruptions and you failed to draw/search the fusion cards, you can still win with Raider's Knight into Arc Rebellion XYZ Dragon as most meta decks have stacked boards with a lot of attack points (This XYZ summon play only needs 2 level 4 Dark Monsters). Bagooska is also in the extra deck incase your opponent let's you go first or if your opponent uses maxx c and you don't want to special summon too much.

Feel free to view my profile for public replays.

Rtongcs ID: 873-925-868

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