Adventure Phantom Knights

Master V from on February 10th, 2024
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 780
60 cards

Notes & Combos

Modified version of Yurica's last submission. Very fun deck, lot of resources and good hands. Many handtraps and going second options. Sometimes you play Adventure PK, sometimes it's Bystial Adventure, sometimes it's DPE + sometimes else. There are many possible lines depending on your opening hand. Usual lines are 2 lvl 3 make Cherubini, send Water Enchantress into whatever you have. Terrortop is great as it gets you to Cherubini + Adventure without a normal summon. Then, summon a dark to go into Rusty, and do standard PK lines to get Verte/DPE + Fog blades + pop ready, or some mix of effect monsters for I:P and Bystials. Things may differ for examples if you open the fusion spell or Rite of Arasmesir of course. Normal summon a PK into Almiraj + Shade for Verte into DPE if everything fails. Come in the PK Discord channel or DM me if you have any questions!

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