8-Axis Blind Second

Master V from on February 26th, 2024
cp-ur 1170 + cp-sr 150
43 cards

Notes & Combos

A more hand trap heavy version compared to other versions with talents, thrusts and more boardbreakers.

I chose Luna as the normal summon over Diva/Ringo cause it baits interaction and lets you bounce your kaijus to clear more of their board. Sometimes the bounce is relevant to prevent grave effects like Flameberge if you Kaiju their I:P.

Can definitely feel brickier cause some cards like Gamma and Shifter can be dead draws later but also lead to some blowout games.

Sometimes you also have to accept your opponents are too good at the game and start with hands sculpted by gods to match your all your handtraps with called by and crossouts and you're down 1-2 cards.

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