
Master V from on December 22nd, 2023
cp-ur 930 + cp-sr 480
41 cards

Notes & Combos

Was interested in trying out a more Bystial focused deck because I thought it fits the current meta. There a many variants out there but I don't like sprights, and the branded stuff.

I settled with this. Basically summon chaos ruler and go from there. Deck can have insane turn 1 boards. Best I had was Baronne, Dis pater, chenging, and seals. with regained/beast/etude and a bystial in hand. Speaking of etude, im still thinking about my verdict on this card. the secondary effect is useful and the synchro effect can be good (seals summon ringo/bystual aluber to synchro 10) but I need more testing.

Shinobi necro > Ringowurm. This is the card you need to run at 3. Shinobi + bystial = Chaos Ruler. you cant do that with assault synchron or ringo. I run 2 in this list but after testing Im +1 shinobi and -1 assault.

Bystial Aluber needs more testing. I never got to use its effect yet. I only used it for synchro.

For the extra deck, I thinking of putting in spright elf. It protects and you can summon a lvl 2 tuner in opponent turns to use with Etude.

For stats. I only played 8 games from D2 going 7-1. went first 5/8.

Detailed breakdown of diamond games:

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