
Master V from on April 2nd, 2024
cp-ur 960 + cp-sr 360
40 cards

Notes & Combos

First time playing Tear as we finally have a secret pack. Was lots of fun to play, and my fastest M5 rank up so far, 2 days into the season.

Netdecked it from the top8 of latest Meta Weekly but replaced 3rd Super Poly and Talent with 2 Called By (idk why almost all recent tear list forego them, they are great against Maxx C and Ash, hello?) and the 3rd Scream with Ghost Belle, protect against Called By, DD Crow, stray Bystials, and Big Welcome.

Earth Goleem@Ignister was super clutch tech against Snake Eyes which will have a Link (Apollousa) and Cyberse (either Linkuriboh or Masquerena).

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